Hi all,

I am sorry. May be I found something.

The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:

    [ ] yes / +1

    [x] no / -1

My vote is based on

    [x] binding (member of PMC)

    [ ] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [ ]

    [x] I have tested the binary RC on platform [Mac M2 Ventura]

This vote will be open for 7 days to allow for sufficient time
for testing, review, and voting.

I am not able to load the file from issue 81233.

1) Download file

2) open file with AOO RC1

3) java missing (ok, installing tamruin Java - the former Adopt Variant.)

4) Preference shows the Version

5) File load fails as if no java is there

6) on close i get a crash report

note: the Java version is a Silicon compiled variant. I suspect it is incompatible with our bridge.

I hope I have more soon.

All the best


Attachment: crash.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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