Am 19.02.23 um 23:44 schrieb Matthias Seidel:

Hi Peter,

This should not be in [VOTE] but in [DISCUSS], we should keep the thread "clean".

I voted no because i was unsure if the wild shot is correct

I installed the X64 version of Adoptium JAVA 11 on our M1 machine and could open the file without problem.

So this would be something for the Release Notes, macOS section?

yes I have managed to work around the issue by executing the following steps. (other guides faild)

sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta
brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk && brew install --cask adoptopenjdk8
browse Add java to 

I wound like to test more. is it possible to wait until wednesday?

all the best



Am 19.02.23 um 23:21 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
Hi all,

I am sorry. May be I found something.

The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:

    [ ] yes / +1

    [x] no / -1

My vote is based on

    [x] binding (member of PMC)

    [ ] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [ ]

    [x] I have tested the binary RC on platform [Mac M2 Ventura]

This vote will be open for 7 days to allow for sufficient time
for testing, review, and voting.

I am not able to load the file from issue 81233.

1) Download file

2) open file with AOO RC1

3) java missing (ok, installing tamruin Java - the former Adopt Variant.)

4) Preference shows the Version

5) File load fails as if no java is there

6) on close i get a crash report

note: the Java version is a Silicon compiled variant. I suspect it is incompatible with our bridge.

I hope I have more soon.

All the best

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