On 25.02.21 10:19, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Kovacs [mailto:pe...@apache.org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 9:22 PM
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org; 2018001...@student.sit.ac.nz
Subject: Re: Introduction and online presence
stops the OEM 32 bit sale, but will provide support to existing 32bit
WHERE did you get this? Do you work for Microsoft? Or did you not understand 
the statement of Dean at all?

see section 3.1

** Beginning with Windows 10, version 2004, all new Windows 10 systems will be required to use 64-bit builds and Microsoft will no longer release 32-bit builds for OEM distribution. This does not impact 32-bit customer systems that are manufactured with earlier versions of Windows 10; Microsoft remains committed to providing feature and security updates on these devices, including continued 32-bit media availability in non-OEM channels to support various upgrade installation scenarios.


I think drop of windows 32 bit support as Apple did it, is not feasible on Windows, since a lot of the Eco system is still 32 bit.

Despite I do not believe 32 bit will fade away, I have stated that we should deliver a 64 bit Windows version of AOO. However the migration process is stuck.

@Dean: No I do not work for Microsoft. This is my personal opinion.

I want also to say something to the emotional threads.

I wanted to express my concern that in a lot of times a discussion becomes emotional or personal valued. One indication maybe when one participant says that OpenOffice is dead or abandoned. Which I keep hearing, despite we have Maintenance releases.

They are not the world, but we look after the code. And we make sure we fix issues. I asked once fo a definition what would be reasonable for a alive project. The answer has been every quarter a release. And at this point I think it is not about what makes sense or not. It is about being right or not. And this makes discussions very emotional, very quickly.

It was not meant as a general statement on the Forums. Or critics on the Forum. I do not have the time to read the forums. I can not judge this. And I am fine if the forums support LO and AOO or what ever. Now people like Jörg and Hagar seem to feel attacked by me.

I am not sure why, but maybe my English is shaky at the moment, and was not well written. So please take my apologies.

All the best


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