Hi Carl,

Am 04.07.20 um 18:16 schrieb Carl Marcum:
> Hi Matthias,
> On 7/4/20 11:32 AM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Bumping up this one again...
>> Additionally, we have a virtual ApacheCon this year:
>> https://apachecon.com/acna2020/
>> What about some talks about our project?
>> Regards,
>>     Matthias
> I would definitely attend an online meetup unless the time of day was
> in the middle of my night or something.
We should be able to find a time frame (on a weekend) that is suitable
for all timezones.
> I was planning to attend ApacheCon now that is virtual.
I will definitely try to follow as much content as possible.
> Doing presentations is definitely not my strongest ability but I have
> a topic I've been thinking about putting a presentation together for.
> I'm finishing up the documentation before I announce it on dev@ but
> I've finished an new extension to add Apache Groovy to AOO as a macro
> language and another extension that recreates most of the built-in
> macro examples in Groovy.
> The third project is the Groovy UNO project that I've updated after a
> long while.
> These are more AOO ecosystem and developer tool topics than directly
> project related so I'm not sure.

Sounds great!
Indeed, it is very specific for AOO so maybe it fits better for our own



> Best regards,
> Carl
>> Am 06.06.20 um 10:49 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>> Hi,
>>> Am 05.06.20 um 22:41 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> This year is Anniversary year.
>>>> OpenOffice becomes 20, and we will be 9 Years TLP.
>>>> So Mechtilde, Matthias and I thought maybe we should do some online
>>>> conference.
>>>> We thought maybe on Saturday the 17.10.2020.
>>> I would like to have the release of AOO 4.1.8 around that time. What
>>> about a customized "About" graphic like this? [1]
>>> Given our "speed" let's start early! Maybe we can put the Release
>>> Schedule for 4.1.8 online as a draft? [2]
>>> Regards,
>>>     Matthias
>>> [1] https://home.apache.org/~mseidel/about_20yrs.png
>>> [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Releases
>>>> Is there interest? What about the date?
>>>> What could we do on the date? - Some discussion, meetup? plannings for
>>>> the years to come?
>>>> Who would attend?
>>>> All the best
>>>> Peter
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