On 2/17/2020 5:47 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> Am 17.02.20 um 01:31 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
>> On 2/15/2020 4:06 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> <s
>> nip>
>>>> (As you may remember, we wrote about that and I sent you a Dropbox
>>>> link where you can download it from)
>>>> Regards,
>>>>    Matthias
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>> Matthias;
>>  If you still have that link i can put it into the wiki.
> Actually it is a link to my own DropBox... ;-)
> It would be better if we can put the file somewhere else.
> Regards,
>    Matthias

I am open to any and all suggestions but as it is currently required to
build AOO on Windows it should be linked in the Guide.


>>  I am also more
>> than willing to help to restructure the Build Guide. It may be best to
>> start a new thread devoted to just that where all can share ideas on
>> how to do that.
>> Regards
>> Keith

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