
Sorry for a small change of topic, but speaking of new builds, I believe it
would be great if the 'building instructions' for SDF files were also made
available in a simple way to follow. Maybe included with the rest of the

Like Pedro Lino said, we (me and him) are trying to test the updated
translations and it would be of great help if we knew how to create the SDFs.

Mechtilde, that page link you sent some time ago is exactly where I found the
gsicheck broken link, so it doesn't help much.

Patricia, I have a machine in those circumstances and, so far, the only thing
I did was the default cygwin installation. I'm very interested in following
your 'manual', should it be available.

Pedro Albuquerque

Em 15/02/2020 às 22:29, Patricia Shanahan <p...@acm.org> escreveu:
>Hi Matthias,
>We consistently lose programming volunteers when we ask them to attempt
>a build. That makes getting instructions that work, especially for
>Windows, the commonest platform, absolutely essential.
>On 2/15/2020 1:06 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Hi Patricia,
>> Am 15.02.20 um 20:36 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
>>> I have learned enough about Git to attempt a new Windows build. I am
>>> building on a Windows 10 system, using the 64-bit Cygwin, and keeping
>>> detailed notes of any problems with the instructions.
>>> 1. I got very confused between what I should be getting from
>>> and what from
>>> The "general" had a lot of conditionals.
>>> I think it could be made easier to use if one could just start from
>>> the step-by-step and have it link to common web pages for anything
>>> that really is common.
>> +1
>This one I am not going to attempt myself because changes could affect
>other platforms that I am not using.
>>> 2. There is no /cygdrive/c/temp. /usr/tmp is a temporary directory.
>> /"(or any other temporary directory of your choice)"/
>The fix is to change it to "/usr/tmp (or other temporary directory of
>your choice)", though I am not sure why one would need an alternative to
>>> 3. Command "lynx -source
>>> rawgit.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg > apt-cyg" failed
>>> because I had not been told to install lynx.
>> I have never understood or used these instructions regarding lynx.
>Let's get rid of them. The closer we can get to one set of instructions
>that work the better. Cygwin's setup automatically installs
>dependencies, and is the normal way of installing Cygwin packages. One
>would need to use it to get lynx anyway.
>>> Unclear how much can be omitted in this area if the required packages,
>>> and their dependencies, have already been installed through the Cygwin
>>> setup program, as will be the case if following the instructions. It
>>> is really necessary to provide an alternative?
>>> 4. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3138 gets
>>> an error page "We're sorry, this download is no longer available."
>>> At this point, I am officially stuck.
>> As anyone else is, Microsoft has pulled that download long ago.
>> (As you may remember, we wrote about that and I sent you a Dropbox link
>> where you can download it from)
>Yes, but I am modeling a new recruit trying to build AOO for the first
>time, using the latest instructions, on a machine that has not
>previously been used to build it. I really am using a computer I got
>after the last time I built AOO, and I am being very careful to follow
>the instructions as written, ignoring prior experience. My objective is
>as much to test the build instructions and get them fixed as to do the
>Do we understand why AOO building still requires an obsolete MSVC? Any
>way to fix it? This seems to me to be a particularly urgent build problem.
>Perhaps the best we can do here for now is to say "If you get to this
>point and do not already have Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and
>.NET Framework 3.5. SP1, send mail to dev@openoffice.apache.org to get
>your secret decoder ring."
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