Hello Jörg,

It is still unclear why you want to track activity. Can you elaborate on
this point maybe?



On 19.11.19 21:52, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dave Fisher [mailto:w...@apache.org] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 8:24 PM
>> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Ariel is back in our PMC and developer circle
>>> On Nov 19, 2019, at 11:08 AM, Jörg Schmidt 
>> <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> wrote:
>>> Can you please explain to me what "back in our PMC" means?
>> Better wording would be “has reengaged in OpenOffice development.
> Thank you. That's very interesting.
> Is it at all clear to the PMC members that this was the background to my 
> proposal, which was strongly rejected some time ago?
> Your answer today makes one thing clear:
> there are PMC members who are currently actively involved in OpenOffice 
> development and those who are not.
> And my whole concern was: Where can I see who is currently active? 
> Maybe now it's easier to understand that it wasn't my intention to remove 
> non-active people from the PMC, but only to clearly mark who is currently 
> active.
> And please: it is not enough to look up who is committing code, because we 
> also have committers who work elsewhere.
> greetings,
> Jörg
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