Hi Jörg,

Am 30.07.19 um 23:32 schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
> Hello, 
> A fundamental question first:
> The "CMS migration" won't touch the wiki content? Right?
> (i mean: wiki.openoffice.org)
No, Wiki is a different server.
>> From: Peter Kovacs [mailto:pe...@apache.org] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 7:58 AM
>> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org; Gavin McDonald
>> Subject: Re: [discussion] CMS migration
>> I had a quick look at the content. I think we do not need to migrate
>> everything. We should think about reducing the content.
>> So we could try to identify the most important Pages, that are still
>> useful and then make a switch, taking offline everything 
>> else, but keep
>> the SVN as archive. If there is interest in the material that 
>> we did not
>> migrate we could add a migration request page.
> Sorry, but:
> What you are proposing here is an extremely large amount of work, _work that 
> needs to be done carefully_.
> If we make mistakes, the loss of information will be a disaster. Not 
> necessarily for the project, but for millions of users.
> For example, there are (probably) tens of thousands of websites that link to 
> pages from openoffice.org. Our goal must be to maintain or redirect these 
> link targets. 

That is exactly why I tried to start this process years ago.

But you know what happened...

> I don't understand:
> Why is migration necessary at all?
I already told you on users-de@. ASF Infra can not support the old (self
baked) CMS anymore.
> I don't like the fact that programmers here spend time with this discussion 
> (and possibly later with the migration), because the (unfortunately) few 
> programmers we have should concentrate fully on the further development of 
> the program.

Then it would be the perfect time to help those few people that already
spend so much time on this project? ;-)



>> @all
>> Maybe it would be nice to make a openoffice.org memorial. publishing a
>> freezed version of what is online today. It is maybe a stupid 
>> Idea, but
>> looking through all the stuff, it feels like moving through old times.
> No, that's not a stupid idea. I explicitly support this idea, less as a 
> memorial but rather as an archive and backup.
> greetings,
> Jörg
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