
A fundamental question first:
The "CMS migration" won't touch the wiki content? Right?

(i mean: wiki.openoffice.org)

> From: Peter Kovacs [mailto:pe...@apache.org] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 7:58 AM
> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org; Gavin McDonald
> Subject: Re: [discussion] CMS migration

> I had a quick look at the content. I think we do not need to migrate
> everything. We should think about reducing the content.
> So we could try to identify the most important Pages, that are still
> useful and then make a switch, taking offline everything 
> else, but keep
> the SVN as archive. If there is interest in the material that 
> we did not
> migrate we could add a migration request page.

Sorry, but:
What you are proposing here is an extremely large amount of work, _work that 
needs to be done carefully_.

If we make mistakes, the loss of information will be a disaster. Not 
necessarily for the project, but for millions of users.
For example, there are (probably) tens of thousands of websites that link to 
pages from openoffice.org. Our goal must be to maintain or redirect these link 

I don't understand:
Why is migration necessary at all?
I don't like the fact that programmers here spend time with this discussion 
(and possibly later with the migration), because the (unfortunately) few 
programmers we have should concentrate fully on the further development of the 

> @all
> Maybe it would be nice to make a openoffice.org memorial. publishing a
> freezed version of what is online today. It is maybe a stupid 
> Idea, but
> looking through all the stuff, it feels like moving through old times.

No, that's not a stupid idea. I explicitly support this idea, less as a 
memorial but rather as an archive and backup.


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