On 29.07.19 21:11, Dave Fisher wrote:
> Please proceed with small examples and test with other languages. The whole 
> of OpenOffice.org is large - aka 9GB. There are decisions to make as we go 
> along.
> Someone needs to make a roadmap for OpenOffice.org. Someone needs to 
> understand how the current CMS version ACTUALLY works. I’ll answer questions, 
> but I’m not looking at it until after Apachecon.
> Regards,
> Dave

I had a quick look at the content. I think we do not need to migrate
everything. We should think about reducing the content.

So we could try to identify the most important Pages, that are still
useful and then make a switch, taking offline everything else, but keep
the SVN as archive. If there is interest in the material that we did not
migrate we could add a migration request page.

then we could focus on the most important stuff. replace those with
something new. Make the switch, and then continue migrating while the
infra switches off the old CMS infra structure.

@Gav would that be something we can technically do?

@all do you think such an approach would save work? not that we end up
in still migrate a lot of the content?


Maybe it would be nice to make a openoffice.org memorial. publishing a
freezed version of what is online today. It is maybe a stupid Idea, but
looking through all the stuff, it feels like moving through old times.

All the best


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