Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Keith N. McKenna []
>> Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 21:05
>> To:;
>> Subject: Re: [TESTING] Applying openoffice-4.1.2-patch1 for Windows
>> Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>>> This is a cleanup version.  It is hoped that this will be the last
>> change before bumping the version to 1.0.0 and making general
>> availability.
>>> One important change:
>>>     The names of the files have been changed.
>>>     The README is now named README-4.1.2-patch1-Windows.txt.
>>>     The zip and the related .asc, .md5, .sha1, and .sha256 files all
>> have the base name
>>> The two scripts also have simpler names:
>>>     APPLY-4.1.2-patch1.bat
>>>     REVERT-4.1.2-patch1.bat
>>> The files are still available at
>>>     <
>> patch1/Windows>
>> [knmc]
>> the link should read
>> <
> [orcmid] 
> [orcmid] 
> Right you are.  Thanks for the quick check.
>> Regards
>> Keith
>>> Now it is worth testing enough to know there is no regression and that
>> APPLY and REVERT operate properly as before.
>>>  - Dennis
> [ ... ]
As we move forward to a general distribution here  is an odt revision of
the readme that can be used to generate an html, pdf, or text versions.
All versions are attached but may not come through to the list. They can
all be accessed from the following link.
All feedback is both welcomed and encouraged.

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Attachment: New_Readmeforpatch.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Title: Readme


README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt 1.0.0 2016-08-07


Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at


The purpose of this document is to describe how to apply the hotfix to eliminate a security vulnerability identified as CVE-2016-1513. The latest details about that vulnerability and its mitigation can be found on the web at <>.

The hotfix is provided as a zip file at the following location:<>

Intended Audience

This document is primarily intended for use by non-technical individuals but presumes familiarity with the following;

  • Your account has administrator privileges or you have access to an adminstrator password

    NOTE: If your Operating System is Windows XP you must be logged into an account with administrator privileges.

  • Use of a web browser to download files from the internet

  • Use of the file manager to locate files and folders

  • Use of the file manager to select files


  • Apache OpenOffice Version 4.1.2

  • Quickstarter must be off

Preliminary Instructions

  1. Verify installed version is 4.1.2

    1. Open Apache OpenOffice

  2. Download the zip file from <>

    1. Use of the download folder for this procedure is fine

  3. Navigate to the above folder with the file manager

  4. Select the downloaded zip file

  5. Right click the zip file

  6. Select Extract All... from the context menu

    1. This will create a folder in the same folder you downloaded the archive with the contents of the archive un-packed in it

  7. Open the new folder from step 5 it should contain the following files

    1. README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt

      • This procedure

    2. LICENSE.txt

      • The Apache License Version 2.0 under which the .zip and its content are licensed.

    3. NOTICE.txt

      • A notice about the origin of the content.


      • The patched tl.dll library file to be installed in the Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 software.


      • A digital signature provided by the developer of that can be used to verify the authenticity and origin of using suitable software for that purpose.

    6. tl.dll.old

      • The original tl.dll library, without the patch, from the official Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 distribution. This file is included as a backup and for use, if needed, as part of reverting the patch.

    7. APPLY-4.1.2-patch1.bat

      • A batch script to install the new library into Apache OpenOffice

    8. REVERT-4.1.2-patch1.bat

      • A batch script to revert the patch if needed

Apply Patch Automatically

  1. Right click APPLY-4.1.2-patch1.bat

  2. Select Run as administrator from the context menu

    At this point you should see the standard Windows security screen asking if you want to allow the program to make changes to your system. If you receive a screen asking you to enter an administrator password your account does not have administrator privileges. If you know the password for the administrator account enter it and proceed to step 9. If you do not know the password click No and the procedure will exit with no changes made. At this point seek assistance from a more knowledgeable family member or friend and restart the procedure from this point.

  3. Click the yes button

    1. The batch file will execute in a separate window and install the patch

    2. when it completes you will see the following in the batch window
      To reverse the patch for any reason, use the procedure
      REVERT-4.1.2-patch1.bat as described in the
      README-4.1.2-patch1-Windows.txt file.

      Press any key to continue...

  4. Press any ket and the script will exit and close the window

  5. The patch has been successfully applied and Apache OpenOffice is up to date

Removing the Patch

If for any reason the patch needs to be removed it can be done automatically using the file 4.1.2-patch1-revert.bat.

  1. Navigate to the foder created in step 5a above

  2. Right click REVERT-4.1.2-patch1.bat

  3. Select Run as administrator from the context menu

    At this point you should see the standard Windows security screen asking if you want to allow the program to make changes to your system. If you receive a screen asking you to enter an administrator password your account does not have administrator privileges. If you know the password for the administrator account enter it and proceed to step 9. If you do not know the password click No and the procedure will exit with no changes made. At this point seek assistance from a more knowledgeable family member or friend and restart the procedure from this point.

  4. Click the yes button

    1. The batch file will execute in a separate window and revert the patch

    2. when it completes you will see the following in the batch window
      To reverse the patch for any reason, use the procedure
      APPLY-4.1.2-patch1.bat as described in the
      README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt file.

      Press any key to continue...

  5. Press any key and the script will exit and close the window

  6. The patch has been successfully reverted


Manually Apply Patch

Though it is highly recommended that the patch be applied via the automated script, it is possible to apply it manually as described below.

  • Prerequisites

    • access to administrator account or password

    • in depth knowledge of the following areas

      • where programs are installed on the system

      • navigating the file system

      • renaming files in operating system folders

      • copying files into operating system folders

    If you are uncomfortable with any of the above seek guidance from a more knowledgeable individual before attempting this procedure.

  • Procedure

    • download and unpack the zip file

    • navigate to the <installlocation>OpenOffice4\program

    • from the unpacked archive location copy →


    • rename tl.dll → tl.dll.old

    • navigate to the <installlocation>OpenOffice4\program

    • rename → tl.dll


If there are any problems with known-good documents that you are concerned are related to having installed the patch follow the procedure below.

  1. Be sure the problem document is closed

  2. Revert the patch following the procedure Removing the Patch earlier in this document

  3. Open the problem document

  4. Is the problem still present?

    1. Yes

      1. The patch is not the source of the problem

      2. Reapply the patch following the procedure Apply Patch Automatically earlier

      3. Report and discusse on themailing public mailing list or at one of the forums at

    2. No

      1. report the situation to the public mailing list

README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt   1.0.0   2016-08-07
Table of Contents
Notice  1
Purpose 1
Intended Audience       1
Prerequisites   2
Preliminary Instructions        2
Apply Patch Automatically       3
Removing the Patch      3
Appendicies     4
Manually Apply Patch    4
Troubleshooting 4

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor 
license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, 
Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at
The purpose of this document is to describe how to apply the hotfix to 
eliminate a security vulnerability identified as CVE-2016-1513. The latest 
details about that vulnerability and its mitigation can be found on the web at 
The hotfix is provided as a zip file at the following 
Intended Audience
This document is primarily intended for use by non-technical individuals but 
presumes familiarity with the following;
Your account has administrator privileges or you have access to an adminstrator 
NOTE: If your Operating System is Windows XP you must be logged into an account 
with administrator privileges.
Use of a web browser to download files from the internet
Use of the file manager to locate files and folders
Use of the file manager to select files
Apache OpenOffice Version 4.1.2 
Quickstarter must be off
Preliminary Instructions
 1. Verify installed version is 4.1.2
 a) Open Apache OpenOffice 
 2. Download the zip file from 
 a) Use of the download folder for this procedure is fine
 3. Navigate to the above folder with the file manager
 4. Select the downloaded zip file
 5. Right click the zip file
 6. Select Extract All... from the context menu
 a) This will create a folder in the same folder you downloaded the archive 
with the contents of the archive un-packed in it
 7. Open the new folder from step 5 it should contain the following files
 a) README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt
This procedure
 b) LICENSE.txt
The Apache License Version 2.0 under which the .zip and its content are 
 c) NOTICE.txt
A notice about the origin of the content.
The patched tl.dll library file to be installed in the Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 
A digital signature provided by the developer of that can be used to 
verify the authenticity and origin of using suitable software for 
that purpose.
 f) tl.dll.old
The original tl.dll library, without the patch, from the official Apache 
OpenOffice 4.1.2 distribution. This file is included as a backup and for use, 
if needed, as part of reverting the patch.
 g) APPLY-4.1.2-patch1.bat
A batch script to install the new library into Apache OpenOffice
 h) REVERT-4.1.2-patch1.bat
A batch script to revert the patch if needed
Apply Patch Automatically
 7. Right click APPLY-4.1.2-patch1.bat
 8. Select Run as administrator from the context menu
At this point you should see the standard Windows security screen asking if you 
want to allow the program to make changes to your system. If you receive a 
screen asking you to enter an administrator password your account does not have 
administrator privileges. If you know the password for the administrator 
account enter it and proceed to step 9. If you do not know the password click 
No and the procedure will exit with no changes made. At this point seek 
assistance from a more knowledgeable family member or friend and restart the 
procedure from this point.
 9. Click the yes button
 a) The batch file will execute in a separate window and install the patch
 b) when it completes you will see the following in the batch window
        To reverse the patch for any reason, use the procedure
      REVERT-4.1.2-patch1.bat as described in the
        README-4.1.2-patch1-Windows.txt file.
Press any key to continue...
 10. Press any ket and the script will exit and close the window
 11. The patch has been successfully applied and Apache OpenOffice is up to date
Removing the Patch
If for any reason the patch needs to be removed it can be done automatically 
using the file 4.1.2-patch1-revert.bat.
 1. Navigate to the foder created in step 5a above
 2. Right click REVERT-4.1.2-patch1.bat
 3. Select Run as administrator from the context menu
At this point you should see the standard Windows security screen asking if you 
want to allow the program to make changes to your system. If you receive a 
screen asking you to enter an administrator password your account does not have 
administrator privileges. If you know the password for the administrator 
account enter it and proceed to step 9. If you do not know the password click 
No and the procedure will exit with no changes made. At this point seek 
assistance from a more knowledgeable family member or friend and restart the 
procedure from this point.
 4. Click the yes button
 a) The batch file will execute in a separate window and revert the patch
 b) when it completes you will see the following in the batch window
        To reverse the patch for any reason, use the procedure
      APPLY-4.1.2-patch1.bat as described in the
        README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt file.
Press any key to continue...
 5. Press any key and the script will exit and close the window
 6. The patch has been successfully reverted
Manually Apply Patch
Though it is highly recommended that the patch be applied via the automated 
script, it is possible to apply it manually as described below.
access to administrator account or password
in depth knowledge of the following areas
where programs are installed on the system
navigating the file system
renaming files in operating system folders
copying files into operating system folders
If you are uncomfortable with any of the above seek guidance from a more 
knowledgeable individual before attempting this procedure.
download and unpack the zip file
navigate to the <installlocation>OpenOffice4\program
from the unpacked archive location copy → 
rename tl.dll → tl.dll.old
navigate to the <installlocation>OpenOffice4\program
rename → tl.dll
If there are any problems with known-good documents that you are concerned are 
related to having installed the patch follow the procedure below.
1. Be sure the problem document is closed
2. Revert the patch following the procedure Removing the Patch earlier in this 
3. Open the problem document
4. Is the problem still present?
1. Yes
1. The patch is not the source of the problem
2. Reapply the patch following the procedure Apply Patch Automatically earlier
3. Report and discusse on themailing  public 
mailing list or at one of the forums at 
2. No
1. report the situation to the public mailing list

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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