On 01/08/2016 07:28 PM, Jan Høydahl wrote:

I filed bug https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=126777 about outdated WHY sub 
page "Office 2003 EOL”.
See issue for details. Dennis requested that the discussion continues in this 
mailing list.

My initial concern was that an outdated web page looks really bad, referring to 
2014 as a date yet to come signals that noone actively cares for the web page.

Then there is the policy issue of mocking competitors. You find several 
passages in the “WHY” section talking about Microsoft Office and cost. Perhaps 
someone should give the whole WHY section some love and care and make sure we 
are well within Apache policies.


Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

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I'm not sure we need that page now.

We have a why page [1] that promotes Aoo without putting down any other software.

Just my 2 cents.

[1] http://www.openoffice.org/why/

Best regards,

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