I'm looking at the latest version of the Third Party Licensing
Policy for the ASF at:

Here it spells out which licenses are acceptable for use in ASF
products, and which, I am assuming can be used "as is" with proper
attribution where required. This document does not mention obtaining
permission from an author or entity the way our current project
information does.

See: http://openoffice.apache.org/contributing-code.html

I would like to change this paragraph in the above document--


"The code must be under the Apache License 2.0 and it must be
contributed by or with permission of the original author(s) of the
code. Dependencies on third party libraries should be discussed on
the dev list, to see how these can be brought into conformance with
ASF policy."


"The code must either be under the Apache License 2.0, or must be
licensed with a license compatible with Apache License 2.0. See
http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html for compatible licenses.
Other proposed code that does not meet either of these criteria
should be discussed on the "dev" list to see how it can be brought
into conformance with the ASF policy."

If there are no objections to this change, I will put it into place
on Dec. 26th.


“I appreciate failure. Failure means that an
 attempt was made,  and a lesson can be learned.
 As long as we’re alive after the effort,
 there is a chance for success the next time around.”
              -- George Tekai, "Oh Myyy!"

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