> On 16 Jul 2015, at 9:10 pm, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
> Marcus wrote:
>> Am 07/16/2015 12:05 AM, schrieb jan i:
>>> I am not sure how the procedure works, but we need to secure that the
>>> rat-scan patches (gavin) are in 4.1.2
>> Kay and Regina have committed the remaining stuff to Trunk. So, a merge
>> to the 4.1.2 branch/tag should be all that needs to be done.
> If I recall correctly what Juergen wrote, the "problematic" files are on 
> trunk only, not in the AOO410 branch; I assume that 4.1.1 did not have false 
> positives at RAT scan, so the AOO410 branch should be fine. Anyway, Jan, 
> Marcus and whoever checked the patch: please do take a look, since if it 
> affects AOO410 (to be clear: AOO410 is 
> https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/branches/AOO410/ and it is the 
> branch where we commit code for 4.1.2) it is indeed a blocker.
>>> In my opinion, we also need to run a rat-scan on the final release
>>> candidate.
>>> how do we remember this?
>> When the build bot(s) with ran scans are running currently on Trunk,
>> then we should switch them to the 4.1.2 branch/tag.
> Yes, definitely. This will also clarify doubts like the above.

We don’t have to switch, but rather add a new scan to build on the branch.

I’ll get that started.


> Regards,
>  Andrea.
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