Marcus wrote:
Am 07/16/2015 12:05 AM, schrieb jan i:
I am not sure how the procedure works, but we need to secure that the
rat-scan patches (gavin) are in 4.1.2
Kay and Regina have committed the remaining stuff to Trunk. So, a merge
to the 4.1.2 branch/tag should be all that needs to be done.
If I recall correctly what Juergen wrote, the "problematic" files are on
trunk only, not in the AOO410 branch; I assume that 4.1.1 did not have
false positives at RAT scan, so the AOO410 branch should be fine.
Anyway, Jan, Marcus and whoever checked the patch: please do take a
look, since if it affects AOO410 (to be clear: AOO410 is and it is the
branch where we commit code for 4.1.2) it is indeed a blocker.
In my opinion, we also need to run a rat-scan on the final release
how do we remember this?
When the build bot(s) with ran scans are running currently on Trunk,
then we should switch them to the 4.1.2 branch/tag.
Yes, definitely. This will also clarify doubts like the above.
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