I am not sure how the procedure works, but we need to secure that the
rat-scan patches (gavin) are in 4.1.2

In my opinion, we also need to run a rat-scan on the final release

how do we remember this?

jan i

On Wednesday, July 15, 2015, Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> wrote:

> Am 07/15/2015 07:29 PM, schrieb jan i:
>> On 15 July 2015 at 02:35, Andrea Pescetti<pesce...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>  I can't expect people to read all lists, so a short update to say that
>>> the
>>> first small batch of release blockers for 4.1.2 was integrated.
>> Thanks for the status, nice to see that we are moving on 4.1.2, I look
>> forward to write the next board report.
> yes, thanks a lot for taking the first steps.
> I've not yet checked, but I don't expect that all BZ issues are clearly
> visible as 4.1.2 candidates (more than you have mentioned in your mail),
> right? So, we have to find and cleanup these issues to make them more
> visible?
> Marcus
>  This includes:
>>> Issue 125519
>>> CRASH when step through document from page to page
>>> Affects mainly Draw. Fixes a crash.
>>> Discussed by Regina and Armin, fixed by Armin on trunk October 2014, now
>>> copied by Armin to the OpenOffice 4.1.2 branch.
>>> Issue 126281
>>> Remove HWP (Hangul Word Processor) filter
>>> Enjoyed some popularity outside the OpenOffice lists.
>>> Fixed by Andrea on trunk May 1st, related cosmetic refinements by Kay on
>>> trunk in June, reviewed by the Apache OpenOffice Security Team, now
>>> copied
>>> by Andrea and Kay respectively to the OpenOffice 4.1.2 branch.
>>> The Release Notes will need to mention that OpenOffice no longer supports
>>> files created with old (pre-1997) versions of HWP, Hangul Word Processor:
>>> discussion on the l10n list concluded that virtually no users use this
>>> file
>>> format any longer.
>>> Issue 105098
>>> Inserting files (e.g. images) into a document by drag&drop isn't possible
>>> Affects Mac systems.
>>> Patch contributed by Manik Malhotra on June 21st, reviewed by Herbert and
>>> fixed on trunk on June 24th, now copied by Andrea to the OpenOffice 4.1.2
>>> branch.
>>> What's next? If you have any favorite (and preferably fixed, or with
>>> patch
>>> available!) bugs that you would like to see corrected in 4.1.2 just open
>>> their Bugzilla page and nominate them as "4.1.2 Release Blockers" (or
>>> simply send a link here, which will happen automatically if you suggest
>>> them as blockers).
>>> Regards,
>>>    Andrea.
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