On 06/23/2015 08:00 AM, Roberto Galoppini wrote:
> 2015-06-23 0:49 GMT+02:00 Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com>:
>> On 06/21/2015 11:54 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> On 21/06/2015 Kay Schenk wrote:
>>>> yes, they would be...based on the buildbot failure alone, I think the SF
>>>> mirror must have been deactivated just a day or so ago.
>>> Could it be that this is an unintended consequence of SourceForge's new
>>> policy when they decided, for transparency towards the community, to
>>> avoid mirrors that had not been asked for?
>> http://sourceforge.net/blog/project-mirroring-policies-will-be-revisited-with-our-community-panel-existing-mirrors-removed/
>>> It seems clear that
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras.mirror/files/ was definitely
>>> to be kept (or, while at it, we could have it relocated to
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras/ or something else like
>>> apache-extras-openoffice).
>> Oh my! I did not see/hear about this. Given the June 18 notice, yes, I
>> would certainly say this applies to AOO and why the mirror service was
>> stopped.
> Yes, that is the reason. Do we need to reinstate the project, and if that's
> the case who would be the administrator/s?
> Let me know and I'll get it fixed, really sorry for the annoyance.
> Roberto

In the short term, reinstating the mirror of /trunk/ext_sources is
pretty important without a lot of additional testing/setup directly from
the source repositories of these items. So, I would vote YES on this.

What is required of the administrator(s)?

No apology needed. I think the majority of us are not current on
SourceForge policies so we were not aware of this change. As far as I
know, Apache OpenOffice was happy to have the SourceForge mirror service
for these additional sources.

>> OK, I'm looking specifically at this paragraph from the link you sent--
>> "Mirrors which are not co-maintained with the one or more of the
>> original developers, except where the upstream site has been
>> discontinued, have been removed effective immediately. An extensive
>> review has been conducted of the 295 mirrored projects and removals were
>> completed on June 18th. Where a SourceForge-maintained mirror has been
>> removed, we have redirected this traffic back to the canonical home for
>> the software (whence it was mirrored to begin with)."
>> Basically since "ooo-extras" are copies with md5 sums applied for our
>> own uses, and we are NOT the original developers,  this would definitely
>> apply.
>> In most cases, we have the provider links to these items listed as URL1
>> in /main/external_deps.lst. So, should we just change this file to use
>> URL1 as default and forget ooo-extras altogether?
>> We would need to see how this affects configuration which I've had
>> problems with in the past when these sources haven't bee kept up to date
>> in /ext_sources. It's likely we would need some alternate verification
>> method.
>>>>> The direct download from
>>>>> http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8d.tar.gz
>>>>> and
>>>>> http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/Python-2.7.6.tgz
>>>>> works for me. I don't know why it doesn't work for bootstrap.
>>> At times, the first download fails since the .gz file is uncompressed
>>> during download. So basically you download file.tar.gz and what you get
>>> is a file named "file.tar.gz" but with the contents of "file.tar" (and
>>> thus a different md5sum). If someone wants to hack the Perl file or file
>>> this in an issue it would be perfect. But the fallback always worked, so
>>> this hasn't been high priority.
>>> Regards,
>>>   Andrea.
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>> MzK
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>>  somewhere at any given time,
>>  the Foo Fighters are out there fighting Foo."
>>                           -- David Letterman
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"We can all sleep easy at night knowing that
 somewhere at any given time,
 the Foo Fighters are out there fighting Foo."
                          -- David Letterman

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