On Sunday, April 5, 2015, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 05, 2015 at 02:37:46AM +0200, jan i wrote:
> >...
> > Background is that after the report was submitted, a ASF Member (not
> board
> > member and not part of our community)
> > felt that I as new AOO chair, had formulated the report too negative and
> > against the wishes of the community
> "against the wishes of the community" is simply untrue. That was never
> said. Else-thread, Gavin has said he hoped for a more positive report
> that wouldn't scare people away. ... at no point, in his original
> message, or any other message, did people say the report was not
> representative of the AOO community. Totally false.

I was about to give proof, that I was not "untrue", but I will let Gavin
decide, if he
wants to make that sentence public, since I have received a private mail
from you.

> Then, you effectively deleted the Board report out of the meeting
> agenda, pending further discussion here. That is certainly the wrong
> path. IMO, the most appropriate response would be to just bring the
> concerns about positive/negative, and then discuss modifications.

I agree it was an extreme measure, but leaving the report untouched would
continued the discussions on the board list, so I had to chose between 2
bad choices.

You have the full right to feel I should have acted differently, but I
stand by my actions.

> Lastly: the submission deadline is April 10. The Board is likely to
> postpone its meeting by a week, giving the AOO PMC yet another week to
> (re)submit a report.
This is good news, hopefully we, the community, can reach consensus and
a new real report.

jan I.

> -g
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