Can you explain "STV" please.  (What do the letters mean?)

Are folks required to rank all of the candidates in their ballots?

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 7, 2015 00:12
Subject: Re: Voting if More Than One Accepted Nomination for a new PMC Chair

On 06/01/2015 Dave Fisher wrote:
> Have we discussed Voting if there are multiple candidates?

Yes, we did. I'm not going to let procedural discussions prevail, but as 
it (too) often happens we can discuss it again. In this case it's worth it.

> Perhaps Apache STeVe is an answer:

What I proposed (see archives) is to have a simple, fully public, vote 
at the first round, then, unless someone gets to 50%, remove the last 
candidate, ask others whether they wanted to run again and iterate (for 
1-2 rounds likely).

I agree STV is technically better since it can yield the same results 
and save some time. I strongly oppose secret voting since we never had 
it, and we used public voting, back at the time, both for selecting the 
PMC members and for voting for the Chair.

So, even if this takes a significant additional effort on my side, I 
volunteer to manage the following process if we have 3 or more candidates:
1) People vote on this mailing list; everyone simply lists his 
acceptable candidates (one or more) in order of preference.
2) I compute STV, for binding votes only, on the above votes.

If candidates are 1 or 2, we use a simple vote instead.

I'm proposing this for lazy consensus again. If you have other 
proposals, speak up; but I'm confident that the above can accommodate 
all concerns and this election is not complex enough for the voting 
system to really make a difference.


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