> On 6 Jan 2015, at 05:47, jan i <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> I hereby nominate
> Jürgen Schmidt (jsc)
> He has been involved in every major openoffice development for a decade or
> more.
> He was my mentor when I joined AOO, and without his mentoring I would not
> have been here.
> Jürgen has been involved in all aspects of openoffice and later Apache
> OpenOffice including being release
> manager for several releases.
> His will to help shape the future of AOO is to be seen in most of his mails.

> Louis Suarez-Potts.
> Louis has been involved in openoffice forever.
> Before openoffice became AOO, he was deeply involved in community building,
> something a chair should focus on.
> Louis has not been so active lately, but I have no doubt that the future of
> AOO (and opensource in general) is a major driving force for him.

Thanks; I accept the nomination. Indeed, I’ve been quiet and less active of 
late. Various reasons, not least of them being that AOO is it’s own thing, 
albeit there remain, for good and ill, echoes of its earlier stage, and I, 
perhaps like others, wanted to get a good to get a sense of where we are—and 
who we are and want to be. I have no simple answers. But I think our challenges 
(and opportunities) are new, interesting, and compelling. 

Note, I also think that both Juergen, whom I’ve known for over ten years and 
for whom my respect as a developer who has some rather good ideas, and Jan, 
whom I’ve known for less time but also deeply respect, would make fine choices. 
For me, the issue is engaging the resources (you know, “community”) to move 
ahead not in a rut (or rout) but in a way that both satisfies the vast numbers 
of people (including legacy government institutions) and also does something 

More of course will be written. But this is not a campaign statement 
opportunity. (When I was the chair of the old Community Council, for 
OpenOffice.org, I deprecated campaign statements as such, arguing that if the 
community were ignorant of the candidate and her work, then that spoke volumes.)
> rgds
> jan I.
> On 3 January 2015 at 13:37, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 02/01/2015 Michal Hriň wrote:
>>> So here I chose some people, to make this election easier.
>> This is indeed the aim of this phase (until 10 January): nominating people
>> and knowing if they are available for election. The actual vote will happen
>> later. All people named so far would be good candidates, as well as a few
>> others who haven't been mentioned yet.
>> I'm nominating Jan Iversen (jani). Reasons:
>> - He is active in both OpenOffice and Apache, and thus he can be a perfect
>> interface between OpenOffice and the Foundation at large
>> - He is energetic, visionary and pragmatic
>> - He is a committer in many key projects of the Foundation
>> http://people.apache.org/committer-index.html#jani including
>> Infrastructure and Corinthia that are connected to OpenOffice in some way
>> - He regularly attends and organizes conferences and events
>> - He is a Member of the Foundation
>> Technically, Jan is an emeritus OpenOffice PMC member but as I explained
>> this is not an issue: the vote for electing the new Chair can take care of
>> this detail (i.e., moving him from emeritus to active) too.
>> Regards,
>>  Andrea.
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