On 24 November 2014 at 13:14, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

> jan i wrote:
>> Ideally we should have 2-3 admins for our wiki. When I look at the logs, I
>> cannot see any admin actions over the last couple of months, and when I
>> look  at some of the new pages, I believe we are getting spammed again.
> I create MWiki accounts on a regular basis (from the web interface). So at
> least that activity should be visible. If you see spam, can you send some
> links?
I saw that activity, but I had expected activity deleting pages etc. When I
last maintained the servers, pages was deleted more or less weekly by a
couple of people.

>  Ideally we should have 1-2 admin pr national/language forum. Currently
>> most
>> forums seems to be without a admin, even the EN forum does not seem to
>> have
>> regular admin activity. Bear in mind though, I cannot judge how much admin
>> work is needed on the forums.
> I understand that it can be painful to do so, but the fact that "most
> forums seem to be without an admin" is scary enough that it's worth to
> understand it better. Without looking at every single detail, do you have a
> couple of examples like "on the Italian forum there is one admin and that
> admin hasn't posted in 6 months"? (This is an example, I know that the
> current admin is active).
> What I would like to understand is if we do not have admins, or we have
> admins who never log in, or we have incompetent admins (that is, these
> people are active but you see badly administered forums).
I did not go as far as to check the admin bit in the user table, I simply
took a look at the logs for admin entries. I dont think we have incompetent
admins, and I dont know how often they login or post.

> Also note that most day-to-day admin activity on the EN forum is done by
> the forum moderators, not by the forum administrators.
As I wrote I am not familiar with the admin job on a forum, so maybe the
lack of activity I see is normal.

>  My intention is to keep the admins and the vm-admins updated before
>> planned
>> actions happen as well as this list in case of planned outages, so they
>> can
>> take appropriate action.
> This is an excellent idea. Actually, can we extract e-mails from all
> admins and put them together somewhere? If I still have the needed access,
> I can take care of it. Fact is, I'm not sure that all admins follow this
> list (and this should be fixed). Missing that, it's probably better to
> contact them personally, or through an alias, as you wish.
I understood that there is a special mailing list for that kind of activity

>  Making forums read-only is pretty easy, its a matter of disabling login
>> and
>> not allow anonymous posting. But then I will also ask the these forums are
>> removed from the daily backup cycle.
> Sounds perfect to me. I guess Hagar's concern is the same as mine, i.e.,
> useful content should not be put offline. We can add a prominent note
> saying that the forum is archived and that if someone is willing to
> moderate it they can write to the dev list.
Somebody who knows how, need to add that...I think its a brilliant idea, if
is html that needs to be uploaded I can take care of that part.

> And if I haven't written about this yet, thanks for being available to
> take care of our VMs!
Np, please remember the logistic is not yet in place, hopefully the infra
staff will soon find time to make it happen.

jan i.

> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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