HI Dennis, *,

On 21 Jun 2014, at 21:01, Dennis E. Hamilton <dennis.hamil...@acm.org> wrote:

> I am willing to make a day trip from Seattle to the OSCON Expo Hall.  
> That is affordable for me and appealing if can meet ASF and 
> especially AOO folks that I have not yet met in person.  
> (I have started some work on change-
> tracking for which there might be discussion interest as well.)

Are you demonstrating this work on the Oasis lists? I don't follow the office@ 
list any longer.
And by change tracking, what do you mean, exactly? If that's too broad a 
question, feel free to ignore it or answer off list, if it seems beside the 
point of this list to you.

> I don't follow the OpenOffice dev list these days.  It helps if I
> am CC-ed in any discussion there that is aided by my being at

Personally, I think it would be great if you could be at Oscon and even gather 
a group together there. I don't think I'm going this year, though the CLS, 
which precedes it, has invited me. 

> -- Dennis E. Hamilton
>    dennis.hamil...@acm.org    +1-206-779-9430
>    https://keybase.io/orcmid  PGP F96E 89FF D456 628A
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrea Pescetti [mailto:pesce...@apache.org] 
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 01:49
> To: d...@community.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Apache@ OSCON question
> Melissa Warnkin wrote:
>> I can make room on the table for pins.  When you refer to leaflet and
>> roll-up designs, what is that and how much real estate would they
>> take up?
> I'll explain better: physical objects are not available, meaning that 
> either they haven't been printed yet or they are in Europe and it's 
> unpractical to deliver them to OSCON in the US.
> This is why I focus on the "designs", since stuff would have to be 
> reprinted anyway. We have designs available for:
> - A4 leaflets, in color (suitable b/w too) https://flic.kr/p/dSDcDC
> - A roll-up like this one, roughly 80x200cm: https://flic.kr/p/dSDcB5
> So for these two items the main issue is whether someone is attending 
> FOSDEM and can print them.
> Pins with the OpenOffice logo used to be a quite successful giveaway 
> that we could look into redesigning (we don't have the original files, 
> but they had the old logo) and reprinting. Again, I don't know whether 
> it makes sense to print stuff in Europe and ship it to the US... But Kay 
> feel free to bring this to the OpenOffice dev list and we can find some 
> ideas there, provided that someone is actually going to attend OSCON or 
> the Expo Hall!
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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