Hello, T-DOSE is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote use and development of Free Software. During this event Free Software projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and knowledge. This years event will be held on 25 and 26 October 2014 at the Fontys University of Applied Science in Eindhoven.
It's a event with a familial ambience, but import for The Netherlands. We have participate in this years Call for Projects. We expect to get a positive answer on our request for a booth (like in the last year). We invite you to join our booth team. It would be good too, if we can get a printer template for flyers in dutch language. Regards Michael -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Project stand request, Datum: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 12:37:49 +0200 (CEST) Von: jpsa...@t-dose.org An: anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de Dear mikeadvo, Thank you for requesting a project stand at T-DOSE. Your request will be reviewed and assigned when there is room for your stand. Kind regards, T-DOSE organisation. w: www.t-dose.org
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