Melissa --

200 1" AOO logo buttons will be mailed within the next 2 days to you, so I
expect you should receive them by the end of the next week -- July 4 for
sure! THANK YOU SO MUCH for being our transport for this last minute
request, and for the WackyButtons site -- easy to use and VERY inexpensive.
We owe you!

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Melissa Warnkin <>

> Good morning,
> Since we're talking about a compressed timeline, perhaps you want to
> consider placing the orders through the vendors I use in the US?
> I order stickers from:  Sticker Mule,  Custom Sticker Printing - Sticker
> Mule <>.  They are very professional and
> provide a very quick turnaround time.
> Custom Sticker Printing - Sticker Mule <>
> Sticker Mule prints custom stickers, die cut stickers and laptop skins.
> Prices start at $49 for 50. Free shipping.
> View on <>
> Preview by Yahoo
> Pins I get from:  Wacky Buttons,  Make Buttons | Pin Buttons | Custom
> Buttons | Badge Pins | Pinback Buttons <>.
> They are very professional and provide a very quick turnaround time as well.
> [image: image] <>
> Make Buttons | Pin Buttons | Custom Buttons | Badge Pin...
> <>
> We sell pinback button badges and specialize in making custom buttons.
> Create your own buttons online, Let us design them for free, or choose from
> our lar...
> View on <>
> Preview by Yahoo
> Wherever you order from, you can use my address to ship the items to:
> Melissa Warnkin
> 79 Bickel Road
> Washington, NJ 07882
> 908.343.3214
> The items will be compact enough that I can even put them in my luggage,
> if I had to!!
> Regarding the roll-up banner:  No, I do not have room at the booth for
> that.  I've even eliminated sending the ASF vertical rollup due to lack of
> space.
> I'll have room for leaflets since they're folded like this:  - A4
> leaflets, in color (suitable b/w too) 11-flyers <>
> [image: image] <>
> 11-flyers <>
> View on <>
> Preview by Yahoo
> Just keep me advised on what's going on!!
> ~Melissa
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Kay Schenk <>
> *To:* OOo Apache <>
> *Cc:* Dennis Hamilton <>; Melissa Warnkin <
> *Sent:* Saturday, June 21, 2014 6:27 PM
> *Subject:* Re: Apache@ OSCON question
> On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Andrea Pescetti <>
> wrote:
> Kay Schenk wrote:
> This is a very nice offer, Dennis
> Thanks Dennis, indeed.
>  What was on these popular "pins" that have been used n the past? Just the
> gull logo or ??? It looks like we could get some 1" circle pins very
> inexpensively if this is the case.
> You can see one of those pins at bottom right.
> So yes, they had just the orb. We also had pins with a different,
> tailor-cut, shape and the full logo.
> ah! OK -- this is basically what I was thinking.
>  I would be happy to cover the cost of  these and have them shipped
> to ASF headquarters in time for transport to OSCON.
> Production costs are not a problem, since the project can allocate budget
> as discussed several times here.
>  They wouldn't "say" anything with just our current flat logo, but
> they would be good I think.
> Stickers are an option too, if you prefer... or we can make both! The only
> difficult thing is that we need someone to take care of taking
> specifications and adapting our logo to it. And also to actually supervise
> production and shipping.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> OK -- I thought since we have an svg of the logo, this would be pretty
> easy...I'll look at some order sites again.  Hopefully, this will be fairly
> easy to deal with.
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> MzK
> "What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
>  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
>                 -- attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."
                           -- George MacDonald

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