On 07.05.2014 21:49, Detlef Nannen wrote:

> ** Mechthilde u. Michael Stehmann Working for events in Belgium an Rhine-Area
and in The Netherlands

> - where will these people use them (list of events, conferences)?
> ** Kieler OpenSource und Linux-Tage (2d) at Kiel
> ** Berlin, Linuxtag at Berlin
> ** Linuxtage at Chemnitz
> ** Cebit at Hannover, (planned 2015 or 16, we need support)
> ** OpenRheinRuhr at Oberhausen
> ** FROSCON at BrĂ¼ssel (Bruxelles, Belgium)
> ** Augsburg, Linux-Infotag (South-Germany)
> ** Linuxday at Dornbirn (Austria)
> ** Linuxwochen (Linuxweeks) in Austria (planned in 2015)

and T-Dose (Eindhoven)

FrOSCon is in St. Augustin (near Bonn, Rhine Area), in Brussels the
event is called FOSDEM - we visit both

There are some more events. We can ask friends to place our flyers there
(if we have some).


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