On 26/02/2014 Detlef Nannen wrote:
For events we bought flyers and posters in the last months, and 2
transparents this week. Flyers and posters are designed in German
language for German speaking countries.
The normal process is that you ask in advance, stating:
- who is going to use them
- where will these people use them (list of events, conferences)
- what materials you are producing (you already sent this in the ZIP file)
- an estimate of costs
This phase occurs on this list, i.e., you ask and get approval here.
For materials invoiced in 2014 we may still be able to go through the
process now, if you send the dev list the relevant information.
Once the dev list is OK with the refunds, you will then move off-list
and be in contact with the Apache treasurer to have the invoices
reimbursed. Another recommendation is that people attending an event
send a short report to this list (mail, blog post, pictures...).
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