On 17/02/2014 Detlef Nannen wrote:
this looks interesting. So far we finance a german Version of AOO-Flyers
itself. What are the conditions for support, and how it can work?
I'm answering both requests from you and Alexandro here.
OpenOffice has a small fund donated for the OpenOffice participation in
events. This translates to partial travel reimbursements in case it's a
conference with an OpenOffice track (like FOSDEM), production of
merchandising to give away at events (stickers, leaflets etc.),
production of other materials like roll-ups for booths/stands.
So far we used it only to produce a roll-up and leaflets in English for
European events (Michael and Mechtilde have them) and to give partial
support to speakers (but I think we never actually used it, besides a
partial reimbursement we'll give to Jan for FOSDEM 2014, as discussed on
this list; this has not been sent yet anyway).
While there are a few technicalities related to Apache being a charity
and needing to justify its expenses correctly, the process is:
1) Have clear what you want to do. If you are producing leaflets or
stickers, have a design ready. Send it to the dev list for validation
(there are a number of checks, mainly on trademarks).
2) Once we are all OK with the design, send a cost estimate and a reason
(event, or better a series of events; why it is important and so on).
3) The dev list will discuss, and possibly approve; you will have to pay
first and then ask for reimbursement later.
If, instead, you want to have Apache-branded materials for events, these
are much easier to obtain since they are already printed and available.
Michael and Mechtilde for example have Apache stickers, and at FOSDEM
I've also seen Apache-branded pens and pins. These simply need to be
requested here, and if OK we can contact the Apache staff to have them
delivered. The main issue is with delivery costs.
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