> From: Andrea Pescetti [mailto:pesce...@apache.org] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:10 PM
> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: German community needs a second mailing list for 
> effective working
> jan i wrote:
> > +1 from me, my only concern is how to make sure important 
> information is
> > not kept solely on dev-de (important may also be hints 
> about how to compile
> > etc). I see a heavy burden on the moderators to ensure that 
> this happens.
> It depends on the focus, but from Joerg's initial 
> description, the new 
> list would help "distinguish general user questions from specific 
> discussions among the project members", so the structure seems very 
> similar to the two mailing lists in Italian (one for 
> users/support, one 
> for volunteers/coordination/discussions). Moderation is easy 
> in this case.


Let me say once again absolutely clear, the new list of
"dev...@openoffice.apache.org" to record all information will be already today 
the other de-list (users...@openoffice.apache.org) and for project work are
important, nothing is what it are lost.

(Note: Today's "users...@openoffice.apache.org" is in fact not what the name 
but rather in truth it is a 'dev-and-users...@openoffice.apache.org', and that
makes problems.)


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