
On 15.11.2013 00:54, Kay Schenk wrote:
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 11:26 PM, janI <j...@apache.org> wrote:

On 14 November 2013 03:32, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 5:11 AM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org

On 12/09/2013 Kay Schenk wrote:

Did we reach a consensus on this one?
Wait until 4.1 to "officially" change java build environment to 7?
Buildbots are still at 6, although I know some of us are using 7 for
building with no problems.

We didn't reach consensus, the reason being (rather than disagreement)
that it's unclear:
- what the proposal is about exactly
- what's broken in the current setup
- what's the impact on people who wish to build OpenOffice
- what's the impact on people who wish to use OpenOffice

Now, after yet another discussion where we explain Java to each other,
can take for granted that we all know about it and move on and see what
proposal is about in concrete, so that is can be evaluated properly and
maybe implemented in time for 4.1.


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OK, I'm back on this old thread. The thing is the security considerations
do not just apply to Windows.  I suggest we switch to java 7 as default
change the settings for "javacompiler" in configure.in appropriately to
deal with this.

Although by default, I build with java 7, I will make this change locally
and see what happens.

+1, so we use java 7 for development, but the final installation still runs
with both java 6 and java 7.

jan I.

Well, in theory, yes. In practice -- I guess not. :(

I changed my configure.in etc and rebuilt. Then a final stop with this
message --

  javac: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7

in module jvmfwk

The man page for javac (openJDK 7)has this info talks about "default"
values for targets depending on source...here are the last bits of that

o If -source is 1.5, the value of -target is 1.7

  o If -source is 1.6, the value of -target is 1.7

  o For all other values of -source, the value of -target is the value of

but no specific information  saying iyou can NOT specify a target value
that is below your source value.

I imagine this is universal and not just specific to openJDK but I don't
know for sure.

Any other ideas?

On my attempt to build on Windows with Java 1.7 (Windows 7 64bit Home Premium VM) I did the following: After having setup the build environment via configure, bootstrap and sourcing the creating 'winenv.set.sh' I set the environment variable JAVAFLAGS to "-source 1.5 -target 1.5" by command
- export JAVAFLAGS='-source 1.5 -target 1.5'

My build was sucessfull and the resulting installation set worked on a different Windows machine with Java 1.6

Unfortunately, I did not continued my work on it - e.g.
- detecting the Java version during configure
- setting JAVAFLAGS automatically depending on the detected Java version

Best regards, Oliver.

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