On 10.10.2013 15:08, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
From: Andre Fischer [mailto:awf....@gmail.com]
As far as I understand our variant of BASIC it is not
possible to create
a BASIC-only extension. Therefore my idea was to create a Java-BASIC
hybrid where the generic boilerplate code (factory, registration of
services, etc) is written in Java and only the implementation of the
actual panel is provided in BASIC. But this does not seem to work
either. But maybe only my knowledge of OpenOffice BASIC is
not good enough.
The Java-only solution that DOES work can probably be easily
adopted to
other languages with proper UNO binding.
I think I understand what you mean, because I know of similar solutions.
Do you see a chance, we will discuss the details in German [*] and only the
result again in English, here on the mailinglist?
Sure, we can discuss this in German off-list. I would prefer an
asynchronous medium, like email.
We can communicate via PM or by telephone.
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