On 10/10/13 1:28 PM, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
>> From: Andre Fischer [mailto:awf....@gmail.com] 
>> I did not provide one on purpose because it does not work.  If you 
>> really want to use BASIC to implement the panel then you have 
>> to fix the 
>> callback/dialog reference issues.
> Sorry, I do not understand the situation.
> From the beginning I talked only about a *Basic* extension.
> *Is it true that I can not use the sidebar using Basic Extension?* Or do I
> understand this wrong?

you understand correct, it doesn't work with Basic and more work would
be necessary. Or potentially some Basic experts have some ideas how to
add the dialog as parameter to the callback functions.


>> But if you or anybody else want to give Java a try, I made 
>> another demo 
>> [2] and implemented a similar search dialog completely in 
>> Java.  Most of 
>> that demo extension is generic code that does not have to be modified 
>> for a real-life extension.  Any other language with complete 
>> UNO binding 
>> (like Python) should work very similar.
>> Look into its README file for an explanation of the 
>> individual files and 
>> pointers of what to change if you want to implement your own panels.
>> Here is how to import that ZIP file into Eclipse:
>> - Start a generic or Java-centric Eclipse
>> - Click menu entry File->Import...
>> In the 'Import' dialog
>>    - Select 'General->Existing Projects into Workspace'
>>    - Click 'Next >'
>>    - Select 'Select archive file:'
>>    - Click 'Browse...' and load the downloaded SidebarSearchDemo.zip
>>    - Click 'Finish'
>> A new entry should appear in the 'Package Explorer' (by 
>> default on the 
>> left side) labeld 'SidebarSearchDemo'.
>> - Locate the 'Ant' view.  If it is not open then
>>    - Click Window->Show View->Ant
>> - Drag-and-drop the 'SidebarSearchDemo' entry from the 'Package 
>> Explorer' to the 'Ant' view.
>> - Expand the new 'SidebarSearchDemoOXT' entry in the 'Ant' view.
>> - Double click on the 'oxt [default]' entry.
>>    This will build both the JAR and the OXT file.
>> - In OpenOffice open the extension manager and add the newly built
>>    SidebarSearchDemo.oxt.  It doesn't matter if one is already
>>    installed, it will be overwritten.
>> - Restart OpenOffice
>> Repeat the last step three steps (from double click on 'oxt' 
>> to restart) 
>> whenever you made changes and want to test them.
> Thank you for this work, not only helps me, because I understand neither Java 
> nor
> Eclipse
> Greetings,
> Jörg
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