> From: Andre Fischer [mailto:awf....@gmail.com] 

> I did not provide one on purpose because it does not work.  If you 
> really want to use BASIC to implement the panel then you have 
> to fix the 
> callback/dialog reference issues.

Sorry, I do not understand the situation.

>From the beginning I talked only about a *Basic* extension.

*Is it true that I can not use the sidebar using Basic Extension?* Or do I
understand this wrong?

> But if you or anybody else want to give Java a try, I made 
> another demo 
> [2] and implemented a similar search dialog completely in 
> Java.  Most of 
> that demo extension is generic code that does not have to be modified 
> for a real-life extension.  Any other language with complete 
> UNO binding 
> (like Python) should work very similar.
> Look into its README file for an explanation of the 
> individual files and 
> pointers of what to change if you want to implement your own panels.
> Here is how to import that ZIP file into Eclipse:
> - Start a generic or Java-centric Eclipse
> - Click menu entry File->Import...
> In the 'Import' dialog
>    - Select 'General->Existing Projects into Workspace'
>    - Click 'Next >'
>    - Select 'Select archive file:'
>    - Click 'Browse...' and load the downloaded SidebarSearchDemo.zip
>    - Click 'Finish'
> A new entry should appear in the 'Package Explorer' (by 
> default on the 
> left side) labeld 'SidebarSearchDemo'.
> - Locate the 'Ant' view.  If it is not open then
>    - Click Window->Show View->Ant
> - Drag-and-drop the 'SidebarSearchDemo' entry from the 'Package 
> Explorer' to the 'Ant' view.
> - Expand the new 'SidebarSearchDemoOXT' entry in the 'Ant' view.
> - Double click on the 'oxt [default]' entry.
>    This will build both the JAR and the OXT file.
> - In OpenOffice open the extension manager and add the newly built
>    SidebarSearchDemo.oxt.  It doesn't matter if one is already
>    installed, it will be overwritten.
> - Restart OpenOffice
> Repeat the last step three steps (from double click on 'oxt' 
> to restart) 
> whenever you made changes and want to test them.

Thank you for this work, not only helps me, because I understand neither Java 


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