On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 7:59 AM,  <bugreporte...@hushmail.com> wrote:
>>Can you give a link to a defect report from "ooo" that is
>>showing up in your query?
> The problem is not : reports from ooo incorrectly showing up.
> But: reports that should showing up, are not showing up (like reports from 
> os_ooo, mst.ooo and wuyan.ooorg)
> So every report containing "ooo" in the assignee's name get excluded. (not 
> exclusively ooo, as I'd like to have)
> Maybe I'm just telling it the wrong way but what I want to achieve in my next 
> step is to exlude bugs from the following assignees:
> openoffice
> ooo
> AOO security list
> issues
> secur...@openoffice.apache.org
> and mybe others too (don't know atm)
> from all bug reports.
> At the moment I'm trying to achieve this for one assignee (ooo) to prove that 
> my search query will work.
> Still don't get why there are no bug reports showing up when using the 
> following things in the custom search:
> Assignee      is equal to      ooo

I see the same thing.   Why is this wrong?  Isn't the most natural
explaination that there are no such bugs?   Can you point me to an
issue where the Assignee field is equal to "ooo"?


> Is this a feature to prevent people from pasting sql code or such things into 
> the field???
> Or is this a BZ bug?
> Or am I just missing something here?
> On 29.09.2013 at 12:12 AM, "Rob Weir" <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 6:12 PM,  <bugreporte...@hushmail.com>
>>>>What exactly are you looking for?  We don't have any user with ID
>>>>matches that regular expression, e.g., a line starting with "ooo"
>>>>followed immediately by a line end.
>>> I was trying to use ^ as a beginning of a string and $ as the
>>end of a string. To tell BZ that I just want ooo and nothing else
>>like os_ooo.
>>>>A simpler way to describe this query might be to do an advanced
>>>>query of:
>>>>Assignee: (contains none of the strings) openoffice, ooo, issues,
>>>>security list, secur...@openoffice.apache.org
>>> The problem here is that os_ooo, mst.ooo and wuyan.ooorg are
>>also excluded but I only want to exclude ooo (besides the other
>>like openoffice...).
>>>>It depends on the field type.  But in most cases, such as with
>>>>assignee field, it is a string comparison.
>>> So why does it not work when I just use ooo as the value? I also
>>tried using "ooo" and 'ooo' but that did not work either.
>>> Is there a special way to tell BZ that ooo is a string, that I
>>might have missed?
>>Can you give a link to a defect report from "ooo" that is
>>showing up in your query?
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