
Wanted to update those file on confluence, apparently I'm unable with my
account, to delete attachments I've uploaded, (so I take it from reading
the Atlassian docs) which sorta makes sense I suppose, but I can update
them and with that.

Updated the three-up card piece at:
[note I seem to have not copied the odt file to the thumbdrive, so that
update will need to wait till Monday]
This piece is constructed with 6 independent frames so that it would be
easy for someone to use it and generate a full page of any single card

Also added this file, as a proposal for a general branding motif I would
like to use going forward with this small set of items:

ALSO - that would be my proposal for an NGO focused piece, if the text
seems should as I borrowed from the WHY web pages.

The question was asked how this brochure would look in Grayscale (off a
copier I assume)  so part of the change in graphics design was to
facilitate that and here is rough estimation of how that would look:

Finally, I added to possible web graphics using the ORB as motif:

Unfortunately they don't look so great after Google enhances them...arrgh,
so updates for both on Monday.



On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Drew Jensen <>wrote:

> Well, hows about we get Google out of the middle.
> Take a look at these pieces
> I've changed the fonts from M+ to, Bitstream Vera Sans for headers and
> Times New Roman for body text, so that folks can actually open the odt file.
> //drew
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Drew Jensen 
> <>wrote:
>> Sorry - one example of a new piece - this was exported to PDF-A/1 from
>> Writer, then imported into Draw (with updated extension) then exported
>> again as SVG..
>> Three-up Bingo Card Tall
>> Front
>> Back
>> as an aside - same Apache logo as the others - you should see what I see
>> now, in this svg file.
>> Catch you all tomorrow.
>> //drew
>> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Drew Jensen 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Yes, I've added a few new pieces, all with what is becoming a common
>>> theme of sorts 'Explore Apache OpenOffice' - using a minimal branding (no
>>> wave, no wire frame, no dots [yet ;])
>>> I will put them all to a single wiki page in the next few days and point
>>> folks to that.
>>> For now, I've just grabbed the RC2 build and will give Base
>>> w/(updated)MySQL_connector as good an exercise as I can tonight.
>>> As for the things I've found already, they are all intermittent (though
>>> with some they persist till one fixes the corrupted file) so not really
>>> worth an update to the issue tracker yet, I suppose. Would still like to
>>> know where the darn crash reports are on this Vista system, but I have
>>> screen shots with the information so that should be sufficient.
>>> //drew
>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Andrea Pescetti <>wrote:
>>>> On 09/09/2013 23:40, Rob Weir wrote:
>>>>  On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
>>>>>> That would be good for a one time push, then it's just a matter of
>>>>>> having
>>>>>> this stuff reasonably easy to find for folks coming along later - but
>>>>>> then
>>>>>> there lay the trick ;)
>>>>> The key is to extend your targeted persona-based approach (which is a
>>>>> very smart approach) with a web page (or a wiki page) that is equally
>>>>> targeted and rich in relevant keywords, so it is findable in
>>>>> Google/Bing for someone looking for that kind of material.  The
>>>>> brochure could then be linked to from that page.
>>>> This is a good approach. For the time being, Drew could also attach his
>>>> nice series of brochures to
>>>> so that they are not lost in Google Docs and mailing list messages.
>>>> Regards,
>>>>   Andrea.
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