Yes, I've added a few new pieces, all with what is becoming a common theme
of sorts 'Explore Apache OpenOffice' - using a minimal branding (no wave,
no wire frame, no dots [yet ;])

I will put them all to a single wiki page in the next few days and point
folks to that.

For now, I've just grabbed the RC2 build and will give Base
w/(updated)MySQL_connector as good an exercise as I can tonight.

As for the things I've found already, they are all intermittent (though
with some they persist till one fixes the corrupted file) so not really
worth an update to the issue tracker yet, I suppose. Would still like to
know where the darn crash reports are on this Vista system, but I have
screen shots with the information so that should be sufficient.


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Andrea Pescetti <>wrote:

> On 09/09/2013 23:40, Rob Weir wrote:
>  On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
>>> That would be good for a one time push, then it's just a matter of having
>>> this stuff reasonably easy to find for folks coming along later - but
>>> then
>>> there lay the trick ;)
>> The key is to extend your targeted persona-based approach (which is a
>> very smart approach) with a web page (or a wiki page) that is equally
>> targeted and rich in relevant keywords, so it is findable in
>> Google/Bing for someone looking for that kind of material.  The
>> brochure could then be linked to from that page.
> This is a good approach. For the time being, Drew could also attach his
> nice series of brochures to
> so that they are not lost in Google Docs and mailing list messages.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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