On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:58:30 +0100
"D Suckling" <dor...@woodlands1.co.uk> wrote:

> Sirs,
> I was given a present of a laptop last September and have since that time
> been trying to come to terms with being able to use Open Office properly.
> I might add that I have been using computing systems since the early 1980's
> and, would you believe, this one has me completely "stumped".  I have never
> had any tuition given to me, no books to refer to (bookshops are unaware of
> your system at all), so I must unfortunately have to come to your goodselves
> to ask the question, "How on earth do I use your system?"
> I look forward to receiving your reply pronto, as I really want to get back
> to using it, instead of having to use my husband's computer when he is not
> using it!
> Thanks a million - Doreen Suckling 

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