On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> It looks like some regressions slipped through into AOO 4.0.0, and I'd
> hate to wait until 4.1 to see them fixed.  So I wonder if we can aim
> for a 4.0.1 release in the next few weeks to address the specific
> high-urgency issues?   We could also use this opportunity to roll in
> whatever new translations are available.
> Suggested parameters of the release:
> 1) No string changes.  So existing translations don't need to change,
> unless they are correcting a translation defect.
> 2) We carefully screen the code changes that are made.  A fast
> turnaround release depends on not introducing any new bugs.  If we can
> control carefully the changes going in then we can avoid spending a
> month to re-test.  We'd focus the test effort on the fixes made, and
> related areas.
> 3) Use the "release blocker" flag to propose defects for inclusion in
> the 4.0.1 release.

yes, please ... can we emphasize this more in some way? Maybe a post to
"users" or by some means to the forums.

And, I wish we had some kind of "BZ blender" to combine similar  items. :/

> 4) New translations are rolled in, since a new translation cannot
> break core code.
> 5) The one "feature" that I'd consider rolling in would be changes to
> work with Mac OS 10.9.  It is not a regression in our code per se, but
> it is a new issue, and a critical one.
> 6) Obviously, all bug fixes get checked into trunk as well, so they
> are included in 4.1.
> 7) Aim to have 4.0.1 ready for September X, where 0<X<31   The earlier
> the better, IMHO.

OK -- I think we'd already slated mid-Sept for new translations so this
would work well for us I think.

> -Rob
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Success is falling nine times and getting up ten."
                             -- Jon Bon Jovi

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