On 4/25/13 9:55 AM, janI wrote:
> On 25 April 2013 07:34, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 4/24/13 11:34 PM, janI wrote:
>>> On 24 April 2013 22:33, Juergen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Am Mittwoch, 24. April 2013 um 17:06 schrieb janI:
>>>>> On 24 April 2013 16:25, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 4/22/13 10:50 PM, janI wrote:
>>>>>>> On 22 April 2013 22:27, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 4/22/13 10:18 PM, janI wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 22 April 2013 20:54, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I am currently preparing po files for AOO 4.0 and will focus
>>>> on the
>>>>>>>>>> languages that we have already released. All other langs will
>>>> follow
>>>>>>>>>> immediately.
>>>>>>>>>> I have created 2 new projects on the "old" Pootle server to
>>>> get an
>>>>>>>>>> impression of how much work we have to do.
>>>>>>>>> What is the status of sidebar online help ?
>>>>>>>> no update at the moment. Our xhp file format is not the most
>>>> intuitive
>>>>>>>> format and especially the unique id's are tricky. I will try to
>>>> figure
>>>>>>>> out how the help authoring tooling works and if we can use it.
>>>>>>> I hope we agree that we cannot release the sidebar without online
>>>> help,
>>>>>> who
>>>>>>> ever makes it.
>>>>>> mmh, I am not sure if nobody will work on it and if we won't have it
>> in
>>>>>> time it would be no show stopper to me. Online help is not so
>> critical,
>>>>>> it would be of course good to have it.
>>>>>> If you think it would be a stopper you should provide or propose a
>>>>>> solution.
>>>>> Well you know I cannot provide a solution, at least not within the
>>>>> timeframe given.
>>>>> To me it would be a show stopper if the sidebar contains no help while
>>>> the
>>>>> old parts has help, or even worse non-translated help.
>>>>> Asking for a proposal is very fair.
>>>>> My top goal is to be consistent, so either:
>>>>> 1) someone from doc. or elsewhere works on online help for the
>> sidebar, I
>>>>> can with my limited knowledge help with the integration.
>>>>> 2) or we remove online help completly, stating it is being reworked.
>>>>> Our users are used to online help, and with a big new feature like the
>>>>> sidebar, for sure many of them will seek online help in the way they
>> are
>>>>> used to, and be confused why the old features have help and the new
>>>>> important one hasnt.
>>>>> To me this a very important issue:
>>>>> do we want to keep a dealine for the sake of the deadline and sacrife
>> our
>>>>> users, or do we want to release a "professional" product. In my mind
>>>> there
>>>>> are no doubt about the answer.
>>>> we don't want to keep a deadline only for the sake of the deadline. We
>>>> should be simply realistic, if nobody works on it we won't get one and
>> it
>>>> makes no sense to postpone the release because of a missing online help
>> for
>>>> one feature.
>>>> We have released languages where the online help is not or only partial
>>>> localized. This was and is fine as well.
>>>>> But of course it is not my opinion alone that counts, so lets have a
>>>>> discussion...feel free to convince me why my point of view is wrong.
>>>> I am simply realistic, if somebody steps forward and tell me that he/she
>>>> can provide a basic online help for the sidebar in 1 week I would
>> volunteer
>>>> to merge and update the po files ones more to include the help in the
>>>> translation process. If not I would move it to 4.1 because I believe
>> that
>>>> the online help is not so important .
>>> Fair, I believe it is very important....if you have a new feature and
>> dont
>>> know how it works you go to the online help, like you do in all other
>>> parts. Of course if the product does not have online help at all, you
>> would
>>> also not expect it for a new feature.
>> well I use integrated help rather seldom and search more often in the
>> web if I need help.
>> But in general if such a new shining and visible feature like the
>> sidebar is not intuitive to use we have already made the first mistake
>> and that will no available online help change ;-)
>> Thas is a nice killer argument...why do we provide help at all, when our
> system is so intuitive.
> maybe because we reach out, not only to skilled users as you and me :-)
>>> To put a bit more direct, if you bought a new car, and there was no
>> manual
>>> explaining how the new fancy voice activated radio worked, would you be
>>> happy ? I would not.
>>> The 1 week is a selfmade deadline, that can be shifted as we like, we do
>>> not break a contract or anything if we postpone the release.
>> We are planning more or less in 6 months cycles and I think this is a
>> good approach. I would of course like to see more new stuff and more
>> bugs fixed. But as always the work have to done.
>> I would prefer a regular release cycle (more a train model) where we are
>> flexible but where we try to hold the deadlines.
>> If we move the deadlines every time somebody thinks we need a further
>> fix, improvement, missing translation or whatever we ill have problems
>> to release something at all.
> hmmmm. I agree on your train model for maintenance/minor releases, but this
> is a major release...
> you see big companies postponing major releases because they want to
> deliver a rounded
> off product.
> I strongly disagree, that releasing just because it said so in the
> calender, that is not a good idea....
> where do we draw the line, we are on a sliding path here. Is it ok to
> release if a single button does not work,
> if a single panel does not work, or even if a major function is broken...I
> am not the one to set the limit, but
> we should define that very carefull.
>> The deadline is known for some time and incompatible work should have
>> been done already. Everything else can be moved to a 4.1, 4.2 or when it
>> is ready. I don't see a problem, if a fix or feature can't make it for
>> the deadline, it will be integrated in the next.
>> And in general we should create a plan what should be in next release or
>> where we want to put the focus for our next release. It's fine if
>> everybody makes what he/she want, especially regarding bug fixes. But
>> for bigger features or directions I would like to see a plan where we
>> can all agree and where we work together to achieve this plan.
>> For example for a 4.1 I can imagine to focus on OOXML support as one key
>> feature. You can see as a motto for the release, a focus area ...
>>> WE should in general be very carefull about moving features from 4.0 to
>>> 4.1. 4.0 is a major release, where we can allow ourself (with good
>> reason)
>>> to be incompatible, whereas 4.1. is a maintenance release and a bit. I do
>>> not like the tendency at the moment to push  everything difficult or
>>> unpleasant to 4.1, just to keep the 4.0 deadline.
>> we should more careful the next time when we put something on this plan
>> that we can't achieve. I will for sure not put anything on the plan that
>> I can't provide in time.
>> But nevertheless a plan is necessary that we can organize the missing
>> pieces in time. Coordinate development work with QA, documentation etc.
> Of course a plan is needed, I totally agree with that...I just disagree
> with what happens if a
> feature does not meet the quality level I would expect.
>>> But again, if the general opinion is, that is better to keep a selfmade
>>> deadline and release a half finished product, it would not be fair of me
>> to
>>> stand in the way.
>> See above, I think we have to hold our deadlines to show confidence to
>> the outside. But we can of course improve our planning in the future.
>> Or we should think about a real train model where we release every 3 or
>> 4 month. But where we maintain also a more stable branch where we fix
>> mainly bugs and potential security fixes.
>> this would be a good idea for minor/maintenance releases but not for a
> major release.
> However, it seems I am the only one with this concern, so I will silence
> myself. You
> are the voted in release maneger (which I highly support) so according the
> apache way,
> it is your call together with a majority vote is a release is acceptable.

I simply volunteered to do this task, I am happy if somebody else steps
in ;-)

And in general I share your opinion that releases should not have 100%
fixed dates but should more take the planned features into account.
Fixed dates result often in poor software or poor quality. But I believe
we have to find a compromise and what's possible and to show the
necessary confidence to the public about the progress in the project and
in the product. It's not easy ...


> rgds
> jan I.
>> Juergen
>>> jan I.
>>> Ps. I think the sidebar is a fantastic feature, and I also like the other
>>> features I have seen (and understood).
>>>> Juergen
>>>>> rgds
>>>>> jan I
>>>>>> Juergen
>>>>>>>> But for the future we need probably somthing new.
>>>>>>> yes, I used to use Qt help system, which are quite easy to maintain,
>>>> but
>>>>>>> this is only one of a couple of good candicates. The tricky thing is
>>>> that
>>>>>>> we problaly need to change all the keys in the src files...lots of
>>>>>> editing,
>>>>>>> but a nice job for a new volunteer.
>>>>>>>>>> For the UI in "de" will have to check/translate for example
>>>> 4986
>>>>>>>>>> strings, I know we have string moved and translations should be
>>>>>> already
>>>>>>>>>> available but my knowledge of the language tools and/or
>>>> translation
>>>>>>>>>> memory is too lazy. any kind of help is appreciated ;-)
>>>>>>>>>> I am traveling the next 2 days and have onyl limited time to
>>>> work on
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>> But I expect to have the po's ready at the end of the week
>>>> that we can
>>>>>>>>>> start with the work.
>>>>>>>>> Please mail me, when you have synced the PO files on the old vm,
>>>> then I
>>>>>>>>> will copy them to the new vm.
>>>>>>>> ok
>>>>>>>>>> I will keep you informed and please don't use the new AOO 4.0
>>>> related
>>>>>>>>>> projects as long as I give the ok. We will potentially use the
>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>> Pootle server.
>>>>>>>>> The new server is in test....and awaits a principle discussion
>>>> between
>>>>>>>> AOO
>>>>>>>>> and Infra.
>>>>>>>> what kind of discussion?
>>>>>>> Only committer login (infra version ) or local login and committer
>>>> login
>>>>>>> (aoo version rob/andrea)
>>>>>>> I have given andrea and infra a possible compromise.
>>>>>>> Did you not see my mail (private list) ?
>>>>>>>> Juergen
>>>>>>>>> rgds
>>>>>>>>> Jan I.
>>>>>>>>>> Juergen
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