On 4/22/13 10:50 PM, janI wrote:
> On 22 April 2013 22:27, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 4/22/13 10:18 PM, janI wrote:
>>> On 22 April 2013 20:54, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am currently preparing po files for AOO 4.0 and will focus on the
>>>> languages that we have already released. All other langs will follow
>>>> immediately.
>>>> I have created 2 new projects on the "old" Pootle server to get an
>>>> impression of how much work we have to do.
>>> What is the status of sidebar online help ?
>> no update at the moment. Our xhp file format is not the most intuitive
>> format and especially the unique id's are tricky. I will try to figure
>> out how the help authoring tooling works and if we can use it.
> I hope we agree that we cannot release the sidebar without online help, who
> ever makes it.

mmh, I am not sure if nobody will work on it and if we won't have it in
time it would be no show stopper to me. Online help is not so critical,
it would be of course good to have it.

If you think it would be a stopper you should provide or propose a solution.


>> But for the future we need probably somthing new.
> yes, I used to use Qt help system, which are quite easy to maintain, but
> this is only one of a couple of good candicates. The tricky thing is that
> we problaly need to change all the keys in the src files...lots of editing,
> but a nice job for a new volunteer.
>>>> For the UI in "de" will have to check/translate for example 4986
>>>> strings, I know we have string moved and translations should be already
>>>> available but my knowledge of the language tools and/or translation
>>>> memory is too lazy. any kind of help is appreciated ;-)
>>>> I am traveling the next 2 days and have onyl limited time to work on it.
>>>> But I expect to have the po's ready at the end of the week that we can
>>>> start with the work.
>>> Please mail me, when you have synced the PO files on the old vm, then I
>>> will copy them to the new vm.
>> ok
>>>> I will keep you informed and please don't use the new AOO 4.0 related
>>>> projects as long as I give the ok. We will potentially use the new
>>>> Pootle server.
>>> The new server is in test....and awaits a principle discussion between
>> AOO
>>> and Infra.
>> what kind of discussion?
> Only committer login (infra version ) or local login and committer login
> (aoo version rob/andrea)
> I have given andrea and infra a possible compromise.
> Did you not see my mail (private list) ?
>> Juergen
>>> rgds
>>> Jan I.
>>>> Juergen
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