On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
<orwittm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 26.02.2013 22:48, Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 3:35 AM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
>> <orwittm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 09.08.2012 22:23, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>>> Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:
>>>>> On 07.08.2012 23:44, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>>>>> I created a page with this content at
>>>>>> http://www.openoffice.org/legacy/thankyou.html
>>>>> May be we can use it also for our update service. It could be the
>>>>> landing page for users of legacy OOo versions for whose language we do
>>>>> not have a released package.
>>>> For those cases it would be better to wait until 3.4.1 is out, then
>>>> provide, for
>>>> unsupported languages, some "beta/RC" builds or langpacks based on the
>>>> same SVN
>>>> revision and the SDF files we have now and create a page saying
>>>> something
>>>> like
>>>> "your language is not officially supported, but you can help us [links
>>>> to
>>>> unofficial builds and instructions]". But this is just an idea that we
>>>> can
>>>> discuss after 3.4.1 is released.
>>> Yes, I would definitely wait until AOO 3.4.1 is out.
>>> Having unofficial language packs for our unsupported languages would be a
>>> good idea, esp. to attract some new volunteers for translations.
>>> I will keep your's and Rob's idea in mind for my planned future work on
>>> the
>>> update service.
>> Now that the 3.4.1 language respin is released I'd like to bring back
>> to mind this earlier discussion.   There are (we assume) many users
>> out there still running OOo 3.3.0 or earlier.  Even months after 3.4.0
>> and 3.4.1 were released we get a steady stream of upgrades from OOo
>> 3.3.0, 3.2.1 and 3.2.0.
>> But we're only advertising upgrades for those cases where we have a
>> translation for that language.  I wonder if we could use the upgrade
>> notification message as a form of recruitment for translation help in
>> AOO 4.0?
> Yes, the update service could be used for it.
> For each language we are able to provide its own web site URL. Thus, we
> could use a landing page URL for languages for which we have no release.

Since these are languages where we don't have sufficient translation
support, I think we would have a single webpage in English.

Or maybe we also cover other common 2nd languages like French, Spanish
and Russian, and put them on the same page?

In any case, I'd assume a single destination URL for this notification.

> I will have a look, if the message shown in the update service dialog in the
> running OOo 3.2, 3.2.1 and 3.3 instance can already contain a corresponding
> short message that the new version is not available in the requested
> language.

And I'll work on a landing page.

>> One idea would be this:
>> 1) Create a landing page on the website that makes the following points:
>> a) You are running an older version of OpenOffice.  A more recent one
>> is available, AOO 3.4.1, available in the following languages...
>> b) We're working on a new 4.0 release with many exciting feature
>> (point to blog post).  We'd love to support your language, but need
>> help with translation.  If you want to help, or know someone who might
>> be interested, here is where to find more information on how to get
>> involved...
>> c) Sign up here on the announcement mailing list (or Facebook, or
>> Twitter or Google+) to be notified when AOO 4.0 is released
>> 2) Then enable update notifications for all languages not included in
>> AOO 3.4.1, and point the user to the new landing page.
>> 3) After a week revert the update configuration file on our server to
>> the earlier state, so users do not get this message repeatedly.  (By
>> default it should check only once a week).
>> I think something like the above would be great to do in the near
>> term, since it would give enough time for new volunteers to complete
>> translations in time for AOO 4.0.
> +1 from my side.
> ad 3): may extend to two weeks


Another benefit of this is we'll get statistics, via Google Analytics,
on the distribution of languages among those who have not upgraded to
AOO 3.4.x.  That can help us prioritize for AOO 4.0.



> Best regards, Oliver.

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