
Thanks for your good work! I attached the text version of Korean translation.


On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Kadal Amutham <vka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have completed the translation and it is running here
> http://thewink.in/AOO-IMLD/IMLD-2013.html. I have also attached html file
> and the font. Both shall be uploaded together for proper rendering of Tamil
> letters.
> With Warm Regards
> V.Kadal Amutham
> 919444360480
> 914422396480
> On 16 February 2013 14:30, Kadal Amutham <vka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have just completed Tamil Translation. I have attached the file for
>> review. In the mean while I will prepare the html file so that it can be put
>> on the web
>> With Warm Regards
>> V.Kadal Amutham
>> 919444360480
>> 914422396480
>> On 15 February 2013 22:02, Kadal Amutham <vka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The following link can be added to the blog
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_Language_Movement
>>> With Warm Regards
>>> V.Kadal Amutham
>>> 919444360480
>>> 914422396480
>>> On 15 February 2013 21:49, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Donald Whytock <dwhyt...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Up-front disclaimer: These comments are not meant to be negative, but
>>>> > do reflect my ignorance of the event.  I'm asking the questions
>>>> > because I honestly don't know the answers.  No disrespect intended.
>>>> >
>>>> Thanks.  I did some usage editing  I also added the Wikipedia links,
>>>> though I'd encourage translators to identify native language pages for
>>>> these topics, where they exist.
>>>> -Rob
>>>> > "the way of Bangladeshi people give" -> "the way that Bangladeshi
>>>> > people give"
>>>> > or perhaps "how Bangladeshi people give"
>>>> > or "the way of Bangladeshi people to give"
>>>> >
>>>> > "In every town of Bangladesh has Language Martyr's Monument" -> "Every
>>>> > town of Bangladesh has a Language Martyr's Monument"
>>>> > or perhaps "In every town of Bangladesh there is a Language Martyr's
>>>> > Monument"
>>>> > But just to confirm...does that mean there's a monument in every town,
>>>> > or does every town honor Language Movement Day?
>>>> >
>>>> > "There are more than one Language Martyr's Monument in USA, UK, Italy
>>>> > and many other countries."
>>>> > Again, not sure if this refers to an actual monument or celebration of
>>>> > the event.  And is the intent to say that US, UK, Italy and many other
>>>> > countries have monuments, or that each of them has more than one?
>>>> > Possible alternative: "There are Language Martyr's Monuments in the
>>>> > USA, UK, Italy and many other countries."
>>>> >
>>>> > "not only in February 21 but also in other days" -> "not only on
>>>> > February 21 but also on other days"
>>>> >
>>>> > "As volunteer-run,  non-profit organization" -> "As a volunteer-run,
>>>> > non-profit organization"
>>>> >
>>>> > Don
>>>> >
>>>> > On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> https://blogs.apache.org/preview/OOo/?previewEntry=international_mother_language_day_2013
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Thanks to Khan for the background information and Robin for the logo
>>>> >> design.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 1. Proofreading is always appreciated.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 2. Robin, maybe you could make a version of the logo with transparent
>>>> >> background rather than white?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 3. Since we are commemorating International Mother Language Day,
>>>> >> translations of the blog post are most welcome.  If you can send me a
>>>> >> translation by end of day Tuesday I can add it to the post.  Or if
>>>> >> you
>>>> >> host a translation externally we can link to it.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 4. I plan on posting on Wednesday afternoon, New York time, so we
>>>> >> cover February 21st across all time zones.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Thanks!
>>>> >>
>>>> >> -Rob

Jeongkyu Kim
OpenOffice.org Korean community lead

Community website http://openoffice.or.kr
Personal blog     http://openoffice.or.kr/gomme
2013년 세계 모국어의 날

Apache OpenOffice 프로젝트는 자랑스러운 마음으로 2월 21일 세계 모국어의 날을 기리고자 합니다. 여기에서는 이 날이 중요한 
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<h3>2월 21일을 기리는 이유</h3>

2월 21일은 UNESCO가 <a 
 모국어의 날(International Mother Language Day)</a>로 지정한 날입니다. 세계 모국어의 날은 원래 방글라데시 - 
예전의 동파키스탄 - 에서 1952년부터 기념하기 시작한 언어 운동의 날(Language Movement Day)에서 유래했는데, 이 날은 
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_Language_Movement";>벵골 언어 운동</a> 
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<h3>OpenOffice와 언어적 다양성</h3>

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