Up-front disclaimer: These comments are not meant to be negative, but
do reflect my ignorance of the event.  I'm asking the questions
because I honestly don't know the answers.  No disrespect intended.

"the way of Bangladeshi people give" -> "the way that Bangladeshi people give"
or perhaps "how Bangladeshi people give"
or "the way of Bangladeshi people to give"

"In every town of Bangladesh has Language Martyr's Monument" -> "Every
town of Bangladesh has a Language Martyr's Monument"
or perhaps "In every town of Bangladesh there is a Language Martyr's Monument"
But just to confirm...does that mean there's a monument in every town,
or does every town honor Language Movement Day?

"There are more than one Language Martyr's Monument in USA, UK, Italy
and many other countries."
Again, not sure if this refers to an actual monument or celebration of
the event.  And is the intent to say that US, UK, Italy and many other
countries have monuments, or that each of them has more than one?
Possible alternative: "There are Language Martyr's Monuments in the
USA, UK, Italy and many other countries."

"not only in February 21 but also in other days" -> "not only on
February 21 but also on other days"

"As volunteer-run,  non-profit organization" -> "As a volunteer-run,
non-profit organization"


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> https://blogs.apache.org/preview/OOo/?previewEntry=international_mother_language_day_2013
> Thanks to Khan for the background information and Robin for the logo design.
> 1. Proofreading is always appreciated.
> 2. Robin, maybe you could make a version of the logo with transparent
> background rather than white?
> 3. Since we are commemorating International Mother Language Day,
> translations of the blog post are most welcome.  If you can send me a
> translation by end of day Tuesday I can add it to the post.  Or if you
> host a translation externally we can link to it.
> 4. I plan on posting on Wednesday afternoon, New York time, so we
> cover February 21st across all time zones.
> Thanks!
> -Rob

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