On 1/22/13 11:58 PM, Pedro Giffuni wrote:
> ----- Messaggio originale -----
>> Da: Andrea Pescetti 
>> Pedro Giffuni wrote:
>>>  It would be good to tun a RAT scan over the website. We have not done
>>>  anything to clean the content licensewise and we probably carry
>>>  copyleft content, including code, there!
>> The website contains gigabytes of materials for which we are probably unable 
>> to 
>> trace detailed history and licensing, since they come from multiple CVS 
>> repositories, then lost and migrated to multiple SVN repositories, then lost 
>> and 
>> migrated to the current tree.
>> So a RAT scan wouldn't probably yield anything actionable.
>> The only thing we know for sure is that all those materials were contributed 
>> to 
>> be put on the openoffice.org website and that we are continuing to keep them 
>> online. Even if there is copyleft content or code I believe it will be fine 
>> so 
>> long as we don't put it in a release (and it won't happen that some site 
>> contents go into a release without a thorough check).
> If we are distributing code there it is our responsibility. 
> I am afraid there are also tarballs that deserve special consideration.
> I recall we were carrying a GPL'd slovenian dictionary (not sure if I finally
> got rid of it). Some content like the SDK should be verified for licensing
> content and updated.

what do you mean with SDK? Our OpenOffice SDK is part of the normal
source tree and doesn't contain anything critical.


> The fact that information was transfered through CVS and SVN or whatever
> is irrelevant we should know what we have and ultimately after any cleanup
> SVN will remember what we had in there.
> I understand we are underpowered to fix all that but the biggest problem is
> that we don't have any accounting over the content there, so it's a can of
> worms waiting to be opened.
> Pedro.

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