from time to time there are requests to bundle OpenOffice with 3rd party
products. A typical case is that a publishing house wants to release a
commercial box in which they bundle an original version of Apache
OpenOffice with a handbook (either printed or electronic) and some
goodies like a pack of templates. As I'm expecting such cases will
pop-up frequently (mostly at private@, hence they're not too visible
here), it would be good to have some guidelines in place. I have drafted
some, please review and comment. The result is intended to be submitted
as a proposal here and should go on our website later.
Happy New Year
=== Guidelines for redistributing (an original) Apache OpenOffice with
3rd party bundles ===
1) You must solely use an unmodified binary version of Apache OpenOffice
that can be downloaded by anyone from
http://www.openoffice.org/download/index.html. If you build your own
product from the Apache OpenOffice sources, then you must give your
product a different name that must not be confused with Apache
OpenOffice. Under certain circumstances, you may then use 'Powered by
Apache OpenOffice'. For details, please refer:
2) You must always use the proper name 'Apache OpenOffice x[.y[.z]]'
(e.g. 3.4.1) for our product. IMPORTANT: Do NOT use 'Apache Open Office'
or 'Apache OpenOffice.org' or 'OpenOffice' or 'Open Office' or
'OpenOffice.org' etc.
3) Do not use any additions to 'Apache OpenOffice x.y.z' with the title
of your bundle that imply that you are shipping a product which is
superior to Apache OpenOffice, e.g. you must not use a title like
'Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 Professional'. You may rather use the title
'Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1' with a subtitle like '{YOUR_BRAND}
Professional Pack' because you have added value to an original Apache
4) If you want to use the Apache OpenOffice logo on your bundle, you
must solely use the original, unmodified Apache OpenOffice logo:
5) You must attribute the Apache Software Foundation and it's trademarks
with all components of your bundle (e.g. Cover, Box, printed Book,
electronic book, CD/DVD etc.). A proper attribution is:
"Apache",[ the “Apache logo”,] "Apache OpenOffice", "OpenOffice" and the
“Apache OpenOffice logo” are trademarks of the Apache Software
Foundation (http://www.apache.org)
For the detailed Apache Trademark Policy, please refer:
6) You must make clear with all components of your bundle (e.g. Cover,
Box, printed Book, electronic book, CD/DVD etc.) that you are providing
an unmodified version of Apache OpenOffice with your bundle. A proper
way to do that it adding an informative statement like:
"Includes the original Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 as provided by the Apache
Software Foundation under Apache License Version 2 at
7) Your setup routine must clearly distinguish between installing Apache
OpenOffice and the additional products of your bundle.
8) There may be exceptions to the guidelines as above, but they must be
explicitly permitted by the Apache Software Foundation.
9) You must contact the Apache OpenOffice Project Management Committee
at priv...@openoffice.apache.org before releasing your bundle so our
community is able to review it. Please keep in mind that these are just
guidelines and granting you the privilege to use 'Apache OpenOffice'
with your bundle is at the sole discretion of the Apache Software
Foundation on a case by case basis.