+1, I would add a line saying something:

In no case are such distributions allowed without the written consensus of
Apache OpenOffice.

That will make it easier to pursue a case, if someone just distributes. I
would also suggest, we add a link to the distribution guideline, so one can
claim "I did not know".

Jan I

On 30 December 2012 12:14, Peter Junge <peter.ju...@gmx.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> from time to time there are requests to bundle OpenOffice with 3rd party
> products. A typical case is that a publishing house wants to release a
> commercial box in which they bundle an original version of Apache
> OpenOffice with a handbook (either printed or electronic) and some goodies
> like a pack of templates. As I'm expecting such cases will pop-up
> frequently (mostly at private@, hence they're not too visible here), it
> would be good to have some guidelines in place. I have drafted some, please
> review and comment. The result is intended to be submitted as a proposal
> here and should go on our website later.
> Happy New Year
> Peter
> -----------------------------
> === Guidelines for redistributing (an original) Apache OpenOffice with 3rd
> party bundles ===
> 1) You must solely use an unmodified binary version of Apache OpenOffice
> that can be downloaded by anyone from http://www.openoffice.org/**
> download/index.html <http://www.openoffice.org/download/index.html>. If
> you build your own product from the Apache OpenOffice sources, then you
> must give your product a different name that must not be confused with
> Apache OpenOffice. Under certain circumstances, you may then use 'Powered
> by Apache OpenOffice'. For details, please refer:
> http://www.apache.org/**foundation/marks/faq/#**poweredby<http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/faq/#poweredby>
> 2) You must always use the proper name 'Apache OpenOffice x[.y[.z]]' (e.g.
> 3.4.1) for our product. IMPORTANT: Do NOT use 'Apache Open Office' or
> 'Apache OpenOffice.org' or 'OpenOffice' or 'Open Office' or
> 'OpenOffice.org' etc.
> 3) Do not use any additions to 'Apache OpenOffice x.y.z' with the title of
> your bundle that imply that you are shipping a product which is superior to
> Apache OpenOffice, e.g. you must not use a title like 'Apache OpenOffice
> 3.4.1 Professional'. You may rather use the title 'Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1'
> with a subtitle like '{YOUR_BRAND} Professional Pack' because you have
> added value to an original Apache OpenOffice.
> 4) If you want to use the Apache OpenOffice logo on your bundle, you must
> solely use the original, unmodified Apache OpenOffice logo:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/**asf/openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/**
> content/images/AOO_logos/svg/**OOo_Website_v2_copy.svg<https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/images/AOO_logos/svg/OOo_Website_v2_copy.svg>
> 5) You must attribute the Apache Software Foundation and it's trademarks
> with all components of your bundle (e.g. Cover, Box, printed Book,
> electronic book, CD/DVD etc.). A proper attribution is:
> ---
> "Apache",[ the “Apache logo”,] "Apache OpenOffice", "OpenOffice" and the
> “Apache OpenOffice logo” are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation (
> http://www.apache.org)
> ---
> For the detailed Apache Trademark Policy, please refer:
> http://www.apache.org/**foundation/marks/<http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/>
> 6) You must make clear with all components of your bundle (e.g. Cover,
> Box, printed Book, electronic book, CD/DVD etc.) that you are providing an
> unmodified version of Apache OpenOffice with your bundle. A proper way to
> do that it adding an informative statement like:
> ---
> "Includes the original Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 as provided by the Apache
> Software Foundation under Apache License Version 2 at
> http://www.openoffice.org/**download/<http://www.openoffice.org/download/>
> ".
> ---
> 7) Your setup routine must clearly distinguish between installing Apache
> OpenOffice and the additional products of your bundle.
> 8) There may be exceptions to the guidelines as above, but they must be
> explicitly permitted by the Apache Software Foundation.
> 9) You must contact the Apache OpenOffice Project Management Committee at
> priv...@openoffice.apache.org before releasing your bundle so our
> community is able to review it. Please keep in mind that these are just
> guidelines and granting you the privilege to use 'Apache OpenOffice' with
> your bundle is at the sole discretion of the Apache Software Foundation on
> a case by case basis.

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