Bumping one suggestion from Apurva above. The name "AppID" has caused some
confusion. We're considering the following renaming:

1. AppID -> ProducerId (transaction.app.id -> producer.id)
2. PID -> IPID (internal producer ID)

The main drawback of using ProducerId is that it fails to express the fact
that it is tied to the use of transactions (it's actually slightly
preferable to not set it if you're not using transactions). It's a bit more
verbose, but I was also considering something like "

Feedback appreciated.


On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Apurva Mehta <apu...@confluent.io> wrote:

> >   102. When there is a correlated hard failure (e.g., power outage), it's
> >>   possible that an existing commit/abort marker is lost in all replicas.
> >>  This  may not be fixed by the transaction coordinator automatically and
> >> the
> >>   consumer may get stuck on that incomplete transaction forever. Not
> sure
> >>   what's the best way to address this. Perhaps, one way is to run a tool
> >> to
> >>   add an abort maker for all pids in all affected partitions.
> >
> >
> There can be two types of tools, one for diagnosing the issue and another
> > for fixing the issue. I think having at least a diagnostic tool in the
> > first version could be helpful. For example, the tool can report things
> > like which producer id is preventing the LSO from being advanced. That
> way,
> > at least the users can try to fix this themselves.
> >
> That sounds reasonable. Will add a work item to track this so that such a
> tool is available in the first version.

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