Eugen, moving your email to the main thread so that it doesn't get split. The `` is a prerequisite for using transactional APIs. And only messages wrapped inside transactions will enjoy idempotent guarantees across sessions, and that too only when they employ a consume-process-produce pattern.
In other words, producers where the `` is specified will not enjoy idempotence across sessions unless their messages are transactional. ie. that the sends are wrapped between `beginTransaction`, `sendOffsets`, and `commitTransaction`. The comment about the heartbeat was just a passing comment about the fact that an AppId could be expired if a producer doesn't use transactions for a long time. We don't plan to implement heartbeats in V1, though we might in the future. Hope this clarified things. Regards, Apurva KIP-98 says > > A unique and persistent way to identify a > producer. This is used to ensure idempotency and to enable transaction > recovery or rollback across producer sessions. This is optional: you will > lose cross-session guarantees if this is blank. > which might suggest that a producer that does not use the transactional > features, but does set the, could get cross-session > idempotency. But the design document "Exactly Once Delivery and > Transactional Messaging in Kafka" rules that out: > > For the idempotent producer (i.e., producer that do not use > transactional APIs), currently we do not make any cross-session guarantees > in any case. In the future, we can extend this guarantee by having the > producer to periodically send InitPIDRequest to the transaction coordinator > to keep the AppID from expiring, which preserves the producer's zombie > defence. > Until that point in the future, could my non-transactional producer send a > InitPIDRequest once and then heartbeat via > BeginTxnRequest/EndTxnRequest(ABORT) > in intervals less than in order to > guarantee cross-session itempotency? Or is that not guaranteed because > "currently we do not make any cross-session guarantees in any case"? I know > this is would be an ugly hack. > I guess that is also what the recently added "Producer HeartBeat" feature > proposal would address - although it is described to prevent idle > transactional producers from having their AppIds expired. > > Related question: If KIP-98 does not make cross-session guarantees for > idempotent producers, is the only improvement over the current idempotency > situation the prevention of duplicate messages in case of a partition > leader migration? Because if a broker fails or the publisher fails, KIP-98 > does not seem to change the risk of dupes for non-transactional producers. > > Btw: Good job! Both in terms of Kafka in general, and KIP-98 in particular Cheers On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Apurva Mehta <> wrote: > > > On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Apurva Mehta <> wrote: > >> Hi Jun, >> >> Some answers in line. >> >> >> 109. Could you describe when Producer.send() will receive an Unrecognized >> >> MessageException? >> >> >> This exception will be thrown if the producer sends a sequence number >> which is greater than the sequence number expected by the broker (ie. more >> than 1 greater than the previously sent sequence number). This can happen >> in two cases: >> >> a) If there is a bug in the producer where sequence numbers are >> incremented more than once per message. So the producer itself will send >> messages with gaps in sequence numbers. >> b) The broker somehow lost a previous message. In a cluster configured >> for durability (ie. no unclean leader elections, replication factor of 3, >> min.isr of 2, acks=all, etc.), this should not happened. >> >> So realistically, this exception will only be thrown in clusters >> configured for high availability where brokers could lose messages. >> >> Becket raised the question if we should throw this exception at all in >> case b: it indicates a problem with a previously sent message and hence the >> semantics are counter intuitive. We are still discussing this point, and >> suggestions are most welcome! >> >> > I updated the KIP wiki to clarify when this exception will be raised. > > First of all, I renamed this to OutOfOrderSequenceException. Based on > Jay's suggestion, this is a more precise name that is easier to understand. > > Secondly, I updated the proposed API so that the send call will never > raise this exception directly. Instead this exception will be returned in > the future or passed with the callback, if any. Further, since this is a > fatal exception, any _future_ invocations of send() or other data > generating methods in the producer will raise an IllegalStateException. I > think this makes the semantics clearer and addresses the feedback on this > part of the API update. > > Thanks, > Apurva >