Hi Andrew,

thanks for the feedback!

AS1: I'm fine with it. Updated the KIP.

AS2: I think both steps are needed. I agree with you that KIP authors
should keep the release plan page up-to-date with the status of their KIP.
However, as a user of the KIP, having a graduation steps log would help
understanding the state of their feature and to which version they would
need to update to gain more stability for example.

AS3: Yes, I don't intend to add sub-KIPs. But rather structure your big KIP
in functionalities and those functionalities are the ones that can graduate

AS4: I can see how a feature in level 2 has also a configuration value to
enable it. Let me add a new column to the summary table and descriptions of
the levels.

AS5: Makes sense, updated the KIP

AS6: thanks, updated the KIP.

AS7: sounds good to me. Let's see if somebody else has opinions about it.

As I changed the title, the new URL is:

On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 4:36 PM Andrew Schofield <andrew_schofi...@live.com>

> Hi Josep,
> Thanks for creating this KIP. It looks like a good proposal. A few
> comments.
> AS1: I don’t think features should be able to progress between the levels
> in
> patch releases. Yes, there may be some bug fixes which mean that
> the usability of a feature has progressed markedly, but given that
> Kafka releases are so frequent, it doesn’t seem too much of a burden
> making features wait until the next minor release to progress to the
> next level.
> AS2: While I think that the Graduation Steps Log idea is a good addition to
> these more complicated KIPs, but I don’t like release managers having
> to visit all of the KIPs to see what the state of play is. Each release has
> a release plan on the wiki which people update to add in the KIPs.
> I would prefer the KIP authors to use that as the way to signal to the
> release manager that their KIPs have attained a particular level.
> The Graduation Steps Log is more for the KIP reader to find out when
> the interesting feature they are reading about was actually delivered
> in a simple way. The KIP author would have to keep these in sync,
> which is quite a small burden for something that only changes a few times
> at most in the life of a KIP.
> AS3: For KIPs which end up with some pieces being completed before others,
> it would be simple to document the sub-features which were delivered
> and graduated at different releases without being too prescriptive and
> inventing sub-KIPs or whatever.
> AS4: I suggest adding to the KIP some statement about feature versions,
> configurations and other switches at the various levels. For example,
> if a Kafka feature such as “transaction.version” is used to enable a KIP,
> I suppose it would be introduced at level 3 or later, and switched on
> by default at level 4. The same with unstable APIs - I supposed at
> levels 1 and 2, if there are new RPCs defined, I need to use
> `unstable.api.versions.enable` on the broker to enable them.
> AS5: I wonder whether we need to avoid “features” here because it
> already has a specific meaning in Kafka (bin/kafka-features.sh and
> so on). Maybe this KIP should be “Graduation Steps for KIPs”.
> AS6: Typo: Level 3 says “This level is optional, and a feature must not go
> through it”. This should probably say “does not need to”.
> AS7: I suggest “Incubation” for level 1.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> > On 22 Aug 2024, at 08:40, Josep Prat <josep.p...@aiven.io.INVALID>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Matthias,
> >
> > Thanks for your feedback!
> > - Feedback for level 1:
> > Yes, indeed it is almost superfluous, but I decided to add it for
> > completeness. A KIP in level 1 might have some PRs that are merged, but
> > it's not yet functional nor complete. For example, only the interfaces
> have
> > been added.
> > We could also remove level 1, but then KIPs would start without a level
> > assigned which is implicitly a level in my opinion.
> > The reason for level 1 in my opinion is to ease the work of the release
> > manager in understanding if worked KIPs are to be included in the release
> > notes and in the list of released KIPs.
> >> This seems to be little bit confusing. If it's not meant to be used
> > by anybody, should it not be feature flagged and disable/hidden from
> users
> > completely?
> > Yes, this is correct, most of the time they would be behind a feature
> flag,
> > or they will be new code paths not reachable yet. Let's take KIP-853 for
> > example, at the moment of Kafka 3.8.0 release, only the first 6 tasks
> under
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-14094 were completed. The
> > feature was not usable and not visible for our users. Thus, level 1.
> >
> >> In the end it means, a release does just not contain anything about it
> > (even if there might be code that was merged), and the KIP should not be
> > mentioned in the release notes at all, and thus we don't need a name as
> the
> > feature is not graduated into any (useful) level yet.
> > You are totally correct, features in level 1 should not be mentioned in
> the
> > release notes. Effectively, the release doesn't contain this KIP, even if
> > technically it contains work on this KIP.
> >
> > The way I understand it, dropping this level from the hierarchy will mean
> > that KIPs start at no level, and at one point in time go to level X. This
> > effectively means that KIPs start at an implicit level. Maybe calling it
> > level 0 helps to better represent that this is the default entry point.
> >
> > - Feedback for term usable
> > Yes this is a good point. But given the variety of features we create, I
> > don't want to be overly prescriptive and then realize that we don't
> > represent some in there. If we borrow terms from the industry this could
> be
> > "Minimum Usable Product"[1]. Usable for a KIP means that it contains at
> > least the minimum amount of functionality that makes it usable. What
> usable
> > means it varies from KIP to KIP. Let's see KIP-853 again,
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-14094 originally contained
> all
> > the work needed for the KIP. After a while, the KIP drivers (Jose and
> > Colin) agreed to split the tasks in 2 groups, the tasks now present under
> > KAFKA-14094 and the newly created
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17241.
> > I'm open to suggestions on how we can clarify this better, without being
> > too prescriptive and then finding that developers can't relate to it.
> >
> > - Feedback for partial releases
> > This is a very good point. This KIP mostly equates features to KIPs,
> which
> > at some high level of abstraction probably holds true. But you are
> > definitely right, bigger KIPs that define a new capability contain
> > different features. These graduation steps could apply to any of the
> > sub-features of a KIP.
> > The bigger and more complex these KIPs are, the more we might want to
> > logically break them down in the KIP itself. Maybe these KIPs are in the
> > end sub-KIPs in a KIP, and could each of them follow the same graduation
> > steps defined here. Also if we think about release announcements, what
> did
> > we say about these KIPs that only some parts were completed in a release?
> > From the list you shared KIP-925: Rack aware task assignment in Kafka
> > Streams
> > <
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-925%3A+Rack+aware+task+assignment+in+Kafka+Streams
> >
> > seems to be partially released in 3.6 and then fully released in 3.7.
> > However, I can't find any trace of KIP-925 in the Kafka 3.6 blog
> > announcement. Would it reflect the reality to say that KIP-925 had
> > different "behaviours" that needed to be implemented and some made it
> > completely (level 4) on to Kafka 3.6, while the last one made it (also
> > level 4) only in Kafka 3.7?
> > We could potentially state that KIPs that contain multiple features
> should
> > state those clearly, and the graduation steps would apply to these
> instead
> > of the KIP itself.
> >
> > - Feedback for KIPs that are never completed
> > I guess this depends on each particular case but I would like for us to
> > reflect on the situation itself. I think this is something we should
> > address regardless of this KIP in question. If the features are deemed
> > important for the KIP, we should keep the KIP "open" until this is done.
> > If we would agree that big KIPs can list a collection of features and
> those
> > are the ones graduating, would then this solve this problem? A KIP will
> > have some of the features marked at level 4 while others would be at
> level
> > 1 (or no level depending on outcome of prior point).
> >
> > - Feedback for when to reach new levels
> > I initially thought the same, level changes can only be triggered in
> minors
> > and majors. However, I was thinking that if everything needed for the
> > feature itself could be done in patch releases why couldn't the
> graduation
> > step change in patch releases as well.
> > For example, let's imagine a fictitious KIP that is on level 3. All
> public
> > API changes have been completed already and their implementation is
> there.
> > The KIP drivers wanted to seek validation in real scenarios that's why
> the
> > feature is at level 3 and not 4. Let's keep imagining that they get
> > multiple satisfactory reports from the community and a couple of reports
> > that indicate a performance degradation occurs under circumstance X. This
> > is fixed and released in the next patch version. Should we be able to
> > graduate this feature to level 4 in this patch version?
> > To be honest if people have concerns about this, I'm fine by leaving this
> > possibly corner case out and only allow graduation changes on major and
> > minors.
> >
> >
> > Let me know what you think
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > [1]: https://www.sarvika.com/2021/06/17/mvp-mlp-mup/ contains some
> > explanation and comparison of MVP vs MLP vs MUP.
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 7:07 AM Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks Josep. Couple of comments/questions:
> >>
> >> For Level 1, the KIP says:
> >>
> >>> The feature is not yet stable and it is not meant to be used by end
> >> users.
> >>
> >> This seems to be little bit confusing. If it's not meant to be used by
> >> anybody, should it not be feature flagged and disable/hidden from users
> >> completely?
> >>
> >> Of course, it should not be used in production, but isn't the goal that
> >> users do try it out and provide early feedback about the feature?
> >> However, this is described on Level 2. So I am really not sure what
> >> Level 1 is supposed to be, or why we would need it as an public
> >> "contract". Later the KIP say
> >>
> >>> Implicitly when a KIP is approved and development starts, the feature
> is
> >> effectively in "Level 1"
> >>
> >> Which really means to me, we should drop this level from the "public
> >> hierarchy", as it won't add much (any?) value?
> >>
> >> The propose name "In Development" indicates the same thing to me. In the
> >> end it means, a release does just not contain anything about it (even if
> >> there might be code that was merged), and the KIP should not be
> >> mentioned in the release notes at all, and thus we don't need a name as
> >> the feature is not graduated into any (useful) level yet.
> >>
> >>
> >> I also find the term "usable" very fuzzy. Can we add more color to it?
> >>
> >>
> >> Another thought: we did have cases for KS for which a KIP was only
> >> partially implemented in a release, but the completed parts where fully
> >> functional, and thus in stage 4. How do we intent to handle this going
> >> forward? I would find it rather odd to only release something as stage 2
> >> just to follow the process... (as a matter of fact, we still have some
> >> KIPs which never got fully completed but are pending completion for
> >> years now, and might frankly never get completed)
> >>
> >> Cf
> >>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+Streams+KIP+Overview
> >> for examples
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> A feature can be promoted to a "higher" level at any release (including
> >> patch releases)
> >>
> >> Not sure if this makes sense? To me, a new level can only be reached in
> >> a major or minor release?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -Matthias
> >>
> >> On 8/20/24 6:21 AM, Josep Prat wrote:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> I added a new section in the KIP to specify how to change the
> graduation
> >>> levels for a feature.
> >>>
> >>> Best!
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 4:01 PM Josep Prat <josep.p...@aiven.io>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi TengYao and Chia-Ping,
> >>>>
> >>>> I updated the KIP page with examples.
> >>>>
> >>>> Best,
> >>>>
> >>>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 2:39 PM TengYao Chi <kiting...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hi Josep
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks for the explanation. I see your point.
> >>>>> It makes sense to keep these levels distinct for larger initiatives
> >> like
> >>>>> KIP-853. I agree with your perspective.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Best regards,
> >>>>> TengYao
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Josep Prat <josep.p...@aiven.io.invalid> 於 2024年8月19日 週一 下午6:36寫道:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi TengYao,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I get your point. I think smaller features definitely go too quickly
> >>>>>> through stages to even acknowledge the change.
> >>>>>> However, I would still think it's necessary to have these 2 levels
> >>>>>> separated when it comes to bigger feature initiatives. The biggest
> use
> >>>>> case
> >>>>>> I see right now is to signal to the release manager (and the
> >> community)
> >>>>> if
> >>>>>> a feature is usable or not yet usable. I believe the fact to become
> >>>>> usable
> >>>>>> for a feature is a big enough step to gain its own entity.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Let's take KIP-853 as an example. This KIP was approved and
> initially
> >>>>> added
> >>>>>> to the release plan for Kafka 3.8. At this point the feature would
> be
> >> in
> >>>>>> Level 1. By the time of the feature freeze the feature was still on
> >>>>> Level
> >>>>>> 1, so the release manager (who happened to be me) knew that the KIP
> >>>>> would
> >>>>>> not make it in this release and would need to be postponed to a
> future
> >>>>>> release. After that, development on this feature continued and it
> was
> >>>>>> declared to enter level 2 right in time for being in Kafka 3.9.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Let me know what you think.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 8:51 AM TengYao Chi <kiting...@gmail.com>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hello Josep,
> >>>>>>> I think this KIP is a great addition to the community that we now
> >>>>> have a
> >>>>>>> crystal-clear definition for the state of a feature.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> In the current proposal, I think Level 1 is defined as the stage
> >>>>> where a
> >>>>>>> feature is "incomplete and unusable", while Level 2 represents a
> >>>>> feature
> >>>>>>> that is "usable but potentially incomplete".
> >>>>>>> The distinction between these two levels might not always be clear,
> >>>>>>> especially during the transition of a feature from "unusable" to
> >>>>> "usable
> >>>>>>> but incomplete".
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> IMHO, to simplify the process and reduce confusion for both
> >> developers
> >>>>>> and
> >>>>>>> users, I would suggest merging Level 1 and Level 2 into a single
> >>>>> unified
> >>>>>>> level.
> >>>>>>> This merged level could cover the entire phase from when a feature
> is
> >>>>>>> unstable to when it becomes usable but incomplete.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> WYDT?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Best regards,
> >>>>>>> TengYao
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Josep Prat <josep.p...@aiven.io.invalid> 於 2024年8月19日 週一 上午2:58寫道:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Hi Chia-Ping,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> As far as I can tell, Tiered Storage is still at level 3. I think
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>>>> intention would be to declare it level 4 in 4.0.0.
> >>>>>>>> KIP-848 was in level 2 in Kafka 3.7. and it went level 3 in Kafka
> >>>>> 3.8.
> >>>>>>>> Level 4 features would be for example MirrorMaker2 for example. As
> >>>>> far
> >>>>>>> as I
> >>>>>>>> understand the Docker image is level 4.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Does that make sense? If so I can update the KIP with those
> >>>>> examples.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> ------------------
> >>>>>>>> Josep Prat
> >>>>>>>> Open Source Engineering Director, Aiven
> >>>>>>>> josep.p...@aiven.io   |   +491715557497 | aiven.io
> >>>>>>>> Aiven Deutschland GmbH
> >>>>>>>> Alexanderufer 3-7, 10117 Berlin
> >>>>>>>> Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa, Hannu Valtonen,
> >>>>>>>> Anna Richardson, Kenneth Chen
> >>>>>>>> Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 18, 2024, 21:46 Chia-Ping Tsai <chia7...@gmail.com>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> hi Josep
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Although I didn't join the discussion before, the KIP is
> >>>>> interesting
> >>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>> great to me.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> one small comment:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Could you please add existent features as an example to each
> level
> >>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>> readers who have poor reading (like me) ? For instance, I guess
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>> new
> >>>>>>>>> coordinator is level 3? tiered storage is level 4?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>> Chia-Ping
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Josep Prat <josep.p...@aiven.io.invalid> 於 2024年8月19日 週一
> >>>>> 上午2:13寫道:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>>>>> I want to start a discussion for KIP-1081: Graduation Steps for
> >>>>>>>> Features.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1081%3A+Graduation+Steps+for+Features
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> We already had a bit of a discussion here
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/5z6rxvs9m0bro5ssmtg8qcgdk40882bz
> >>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>> materialized into this KIP.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I deliberately defined the graduation steps without giving them
> >>>>> a
> >>>>>>> name,
> >>>>>>>>> so
> >>>>>>>>>> we don't go bike-shedding there. There is a separate section for
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>> names
> >>>>>>>>>> of each step. Also an alternative set of names. I'd like to get
> >>>>>> some
> >>>>>>>>>> feedback on the steps, and also on the names for the steps.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to your opinions, and hopefully only a tiny bit
> >>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>> bike-shedding :)
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>> [image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io/>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> *Josep Prat*
> >>>>>>>>>> Open Source Engineering Director, *Aiven*
> >>>>>>>>>> josep.p...@aiven.io   |   +491715557497
> >>>>>>>>>> aiven.io <https://www.aiven.io/>   |   <
> >>>>>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/aivencloud
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>   <https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiven/>   <
> >>>>>>>>>> https://twitter.com/aiven_io>
> >>>>>>>>>> *Aiven Deutschland GmbH*
> >>>>>>>>>> Alexanderufer 3-7, 10117 Berlin
> >>>>>>>>>> Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa, Hannu Valtonen,
> >>>>>>>>>> Anna Richardson, Kenneth Chen
> >>>>>>>>>> Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> [image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io/>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> *Josep Prat*
> >>>>>> Open Source Engineering Director, *Aiven*
> >>>>>> josep.p...@aiven.io   |   +491715557497
> >>>>>> aiven.io <https://www.aiven.io/>   |   <
> >>>>> https://www.facebook.com/aivencloud
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>   <https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiven/>   <
> >>>>>> https://twitter.com/aiven_io>
> >>>>>> *Aiven Deutschland GmbH*
> >>>>>> Alexanderufer 3-7, 10117 Berlin
> >>>>>> Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa, Hannu Valtonen,
> >>>>>> Anna Richardson, Kenneth Chen
> >>>>>> Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> [image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io/>
> >>>>
> >>>> *Josep Prat*
> >>>> Open Source Engineering Director, *Aiven*
> >>>> josep.p...@aiven.io   |   +491715557497
> >>>> aiven.io <https://www.aiven.io/>   |
> >>>> <https://www.facebook.com/aivencloud>
> >>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiven/>   <
> >> https://twitter.com/aiven_io>
> >>>> *Aiven Deutschland GmbH*
> >>>> Alexanderufer 3-7, 10117 Berlin
> >>>> Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa, Hannu Valtonen,
> >>>> Anna Richardson, Kenneth Chen
> >>>> Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > [image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io/>
> >
> > *Josep Prat*
> > Open Source Engineering Director, *Aiven*
> > josep.p...@aiven.io   |   +491715557497
> > aiven.io <https://www.aiven.io/>   |   <
> https://www.facebook.com/aivencloud>
> >  <https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiven/>   <
> https://twitter.com/aiven_io>
> > *Aiven Deutschland GmbH*
> > Alexanderufer 3-7, 10117 Berlin
> > Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa, Hannu Valtonen,
> > Anna Richardson, Kenneth Chen
> > Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B

[image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io>

*Josep Prat*
Open Source Engineering Director, *Aiven*
josep.p...@aiven.io   |   +491715557497
aiven.io <https://www.aiven.io>   |   <https://www.facebook.com/aivencloud>
  <https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiven/>   <https://twitter.com/aiven_io>
*Aiven Deutschland GmbH*
Alexanderufer 3-7, 10117 Berlin
Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa, Hannu Valtonen,
Anna Richardson, Kenneth Chen
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B

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