Hi community

We have managed to fix most of the required items, thanks to Mickael
Maison, Luke Chen and Tom Bentley for quick reviews.

But we still need to talk about item #5 i.e. the problem with "Embedded
videos don't have an image placeholder". Quoting from the ASF guidelines:
*Can I embed videos (from YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)?*

*Yes, you can embed videos on the website, but they should load only after
the user actively wants them to load. Arrange this by showing a placeholder
image first and loading the video after the user clicks on the image. Make
it clear that users who click the image will load a video from a third

*If you don’t want placeholder images, consider self-hosted videos and
using an open source player like Plyr <https://github.com/sampotts/plyr>.*

We seem to have two options:
1. Replace videos on the website with links to the videos OR
2. Take a placeholder image and use JS to trigger playback after the user

I would suggest going with option#1 right now due to time constraints and
create a ticket to do (more user friendly) option#2 in the future.* What do
you think?*

Divij Vaidya

On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 5:10 PM Divij Vaidya <divijvaidy...@gmail.com>

> Hello Apache Kafka community
> The ASF has a new data privacy policy to comply with the GDPR (the
> European Union's General Data Protection Regulation) and we - like all
> other ASF projects - have been asked to update our project homepage
> accordingly.
> Mickael Maison has kindly traged the initial set of requirements and
> listed down the required set of changes at
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-13868.
> I would like to bring your attention to a few PRs that address the
> required changes and also solicit your comments on how I plan to solve
> others.
> 1. Our website is missing privacy policy -> Addressed by adding an item in
> the top nav bar https://github.com/apache/kafka-site/pull/421. *Action -
> please review the PR.*
> 2. It's using Google Analytics -> I would propose that we should get rid
> of Google Analytics in favor of Apache recommended Matomo
> <https://privacy.apache.org/faq/committers.html> for website analytics.
> If you folks agree, I would request a Matomo site ID for Apache Kafka to
> make the required changes.
> *Action - do you agree to this change?*3. It's using Google Fonts -> I
> have moved the Google fonts to a self hosted version which is acceptable by
> Apache in the PR https://github.com/apache/kafka-site/pull/420.
> *Action - please review the PR. *4. It's using scripts hosted on
> Cloudflare CDN -> We use JS scripts such as handlebars
> <https://github.com/handlebars-lang/handlebars.js> and prism
> <https://prismjs.com/>. Both these libraries are MIT licensed and hence,
> could be hosted locally along with the website. I will move them along to
> be placed along with the website.
> *Action - do you agree to this change?*5. Embedded videos don't have an
> image placeholder -> I don't have a proposed solution for this. *Action -
> can someone with front end experience help us with this one?*
> Note that we need to make these changes by July 22nd and hence your
> immediate attention would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers!
> --
> Divij Vaidya

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