Hello Apache Kafka community The ASF has a new data privacy policy to comply with the GDPR (the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation) and we - like all other ASF projects - have been asked to update our project homepage accordingly.
Mickael Maison has kindly traged the initial set of requirements and listed down the required set of changes at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-13868. I would like to bring your attention to a few PRs that address the required changes and also solicit your comments on how I plan to solve others. 1. Our website is missing privacy policy -> Addressed by adding an item in the top nav bar https://github.com/apache/kafka-site/pull/421. *Action - please review the PR.* 2. It's using Google Analytics -> I would propose that we should get rid of Google Analytics in favor of Apache recommended Matomo <https://privacy.apache.org/faq/committers.html> for website analytics. If you folks agree, I would request a Matomo site ID for Apache Kafka to make the required changes. *Action - do you agree to this change?*3. It's using Google Fonts -> I have moved the Google fonts to a self hosted version which is acceptable by Apache in the PR https://github.com/apache/kafka-site/pull/420. *Action - please review the PR. *4. It's using scripts hosted on Cloudflare CDN -> We use JS scripts such as handlebars <https://github.com/handlebars-lang/handlebars.js> and prism <https://prismjs.com/>. Both these libraries are MIT licensed and hence, could be hosted locally along with the website. I will move them along to be placed along with the website. *Action - do you agree to this change?*5. Embedded videos don't have an image placeholder -> I don't have a proposed solution for this. *Action - can someone with front end experience help us with this one?* Note that we need to make these changes by July 22nd and hence your immediate attention would be greatly appreciated. Cheers! -- Divij Vaidya